
  • Combating Environmental Noise in Urban Areas
Künstlerisches Forschungsprojekt


Sophie Luger , Lenia Mascha


Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien


01. Februar 2022–


Architecture, Acoustics


“SoundCape” explores the acoustic performance of building envelopes as effective sound-absorbing noise regulators and their potential to combat environmental noise in outdoor space through the targeted use of ornamentation, generative design, and digital fabrication technologies. Environmental noise is one of the major growing ecological challenges in cities, and unfortunately, an often underestimated threat to the health of our urban and natural ecosystems. Increasing mobility and accelerated urban growth are the main cause of noise emissions and are predicted to increase in the future. As reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Environment Agency (EEA), chronic exposure to noise pollution affects the physical and mental well-being of millions of people. Since the digital turn in architecture, advances in digital technologies have opened up multiple design possibilities, enabling the composition, optimization, and intelligent performance of complex geometries. At the same time, one can see a return to ornamentation in contemporary architecture. Whereas building sculpture, lush facade design, and decorations were considered useless or superfluous during the modern era, generative design and digital manufacturing technologies provide today the technological apparatus to rethink the performance of these elements.


Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien


INTRA Program



Veröffentlicht Von: Sophie Luger | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht Am: 17. Februar 2024, 10:42 | Geändert Am: 17. Februar 2024, 10:44