• An Investigation of Immersive Ecological Soundscapes through the Lens of Auto Ethnography


Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien

Ort, Datum

Universität für angewandte Kunst in Wien, Wien, Österreich, Wien, Österreich, 30. Juni 2023


Ecology Soundscape, Multi-Species Ethnography, Crow, Synaesthetics, Auto Ethnography


This master's thesis, under the supervision of Katharina Gsöllpointner (Angewandte, Priv.–Doz. Dr.Phil) and Klaus Flip (Angewandte, Univ.-Lekt., Sound Artist) in Angewandte, and the supervision of Francesca Valsecchi (Tongji, Prof. Dr.), explores the intricate world of bird vocalizations, focusing on crows as the primary subject of study in Vienna. Employing the research methodology of Multi-species Ethnography and utilizing multichannel speaker systems as artistic strategies, the project aims to delve into the diverse sonic landscape of crows and their complex relationship with the human urban environment. Crows, being highly intelligent and adaptable creatures, coexist with humans in urban settings, often evoking eerie sounds and invoking ominous stereotypes. In Vienna, where a long history of cohabitation between thousands of crows and humans exists, the intricate dynamics between humans, crows, and other animals present a fascinating avenue for exploration. By engaging in tracking, observation, and audio recording of various crow species including hooded crows, carrion crows, ravens, and rooks, the study will not only observe the crows but also introspectively examine the researcher's own empathic connection with these avian beings. Through the collection and analysis of sound data, the study will utilize ecological soundscape materials and immersive interactive experiences as experimental artistic strategies to convey the observed experiences and delve into the realms of empathy and synaesthetics in crow sounds within immersive contexts. I am here to extend my sincere gratitude to Katharina Gsöllpointner and Klaus Flip for their invaluable guidance and supervision. The support provided by Martin Kusch (Angewandte, Associate Professor, Mad. Art) and Nicolaj Kirisits (Angewandte, Sen.Art. Dipl.-Ing.) is greatly appreciated. The collaboration with Martin Riesing (University of Vienna, bird.at) for crow observation has been instrumental to the research. Special thanks are extended to Martin Rössler, the Ornithologist, for the insightful interview conducted during the course of this study.

Sprache, Format, Material, Ausgabe/Auflage

Englisch, Sound Recording




  • Wien, Österreich
  • Vienna
  • Austria
  • Universität für angewandte Kunst in Wien, Wien, Österreich
  • Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz 2
  • 1010 Wien
  • Österreich


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Veröffentlicht Von: Qingyu Zhang | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht Am: 29. März 2023, 15:26 | Geändert Am: 24. Januar 2024, 09:31