Windows and Bridges
Datum, Ort
- 20. Oktober 2022–20. November 2022 Minsk, Weißrussland (City Art Gallery of Leonid Schemelev´s Art Works)
Textilarbeit, Kurator_in, Oberflächengestaltung, Tapisserie, Zyanotypie
Windows and Bridges An international – intercultural textile project Artists of Belarus and Austria show their works to the topic of Windows and Bridges. Windows Windows give structure to buildings. They are openings in a closed surface that allow insights and views. They are interfaces of an interior and exterior. They are separating but connecting at the same time. A brightly illuminated window indicates a life inside. And a view from the inside to the outside enables new ways of looking at things. They keep out unwanted environmental influences such as rain and cold, but allow light from the sun and warmth. They open an interior space to the outside world, but at the same time they can separate and keep unwanted things out. These properties are not only attributed to the physical window. However, an opening in a room does not make a window. It took mankind a long time to develop light, or rather this interface between outside and inside. The only places in a built dwelling were doorways and smoke vents. It was not until the Neolithic Age that narrow slits of light developed. Of course, it is also a question of climate. In north-central Europe, closeable wall openings appeared in the Bronze Age. Before glass was used as a separating layer, people resorted to animal skins, parchment and linen fabrics. This allowed light into the interior, but wind and weather outside. Visibility was not yet thereby against. Only with the sufficient emergence of glass in the Middle Ages could the window now known to us develop. Linen fabrics moved into the interior as curtains and drapes. In order, on the one hand, to prevent disturbing views from the outside and, on the other hand, to give the window a certain meaning. The curtain at a window is ornamental for the room but also the self-determining control to keep private things away from the public. Bridges Bridges connect spaces that are separated by deepened barriers. They speed up contacts and enable the exchange of people, goods and information. They are meeting zones of cultures and at the same time strategic control points of politics. They serve as protection against intruders, if they can be raised. They enable accessibility when they are transportable. Hanging or standing, they shape the surrounding space. The first bridges were probably fallen logs that led over streams. The conscious construction of wooden bridges probably took place in the Bronze Age. Not only in European areas but also archaeological findings in South America or Asia confirm the construction of bridges. The building material for them was oriented depending on the natural materials. In tropical areas, lianas and fibrous plants were used to build suspension bridges. The Roman culture used mainly stone and also built the first arched bridges. These were useful not only for transporting goods and people, but also for carrying water from the mountains down to the Roman settlements.
2022-10-20 17:00-18:00
- Minsk, Weißrussland
- Minsk
- Weißrussland
- Bild#1