Reminiscence Heirloom

  • Demedarts Forschungsprojekt


Christina May Yan Carli

Datum, Ort

  • 2022, Wien, Österreich


3D-Druck, 3D-Technologie, Schmuck, Design, Objekt, Produktdesign, 3D scan


Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien


Objects imbued with meaning were identified through guided processes, representing significant aspects of participants' lives and cherished memories. These objects serve as daily reminders of emotions, people, environments, and moments that contribute to their identity. The artist's choice of craftsmanship, specifically jewelry making, was intended to underscore the valuable and enduring nature of these memories. The intricate technique used in creating the bracelet mirrors the complexity of personal memories, with each detail holding its own story that contributes to or emanates from the individual's identity. The bracelet itself is constructed from interwoven silver rings, lending it a three-dimensional quality that invites tactile exploration. Miniature reproductions of these meaningful objects are personal jeweled ornaments that complete it as a charm bracelet. These dangling elements, imbued with personal symbolism, further enrich its significance and invite indulgence in it as a positive anchor.

Material, Format



  • Bild
Veröffentlicht Von: Christina May Yan Carli | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht Am: 27. Februar 2024, 09:52 | Geändert Am: 26. April 2024, 09:07