En tid indefra



Mikkel Rørbo , Knækkede Stemmer

Datum, Ort

  • 05. Februar 2021


Elektronische Musik, Noise Music


Created in the period between 2017-2021 in various locales in Denmark, Belgium and Austria, the sound of "En tid indefra" strikes a familiar tone, but incorporates an abundance of subtle details and firsts for Knækkede Stemmer, which makes for a noticeably current expression. The isolation is tangible on the release; sounds echoing out in the distance, while others are eerily intimate, almost close enough to feel, as has been a trademark of previous work by Knækkede Stemmer. While field recordings play a decidedly significant role together with the acoustic sound sources of the 3 pieces that make up "En tid indefra", they're treated and manipulated in ways that keep them at arm's length, never truly discernible, the listener and the creator never fully within them. Marking a first for Knækkede Stemmer, instrumental sources have been provided by another artist and reworked and integrated in small ways into the tracks - in this case cello by danish artist Bjarke Rasmussen (also known as Grøn), whose music Knækkede Stemmer reworked on Grøn's Folded Expressions (Infinite Waves) release in 2020. This collaboration will be revisited on future works. Self-released in 2021 on cassette and digital. Track order reversed for digital version.

Material, Format

Audiokassette, WAVE, AIFF, MP3

Veröffentlicht Von: Mikkel Rørbo | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht Am: 08. Februar 2024, 12:43 | Geändert Am: 08. Februar 2024, 12:43