A show is a show is a show



Datum, Ort

  • 15. April 2011– Turin (Italien) (Cripta747)


Bildende Kunst




a project by Hugo Canoilas and Vasco with Costacon Fabrizio Cosenza Derek Di Fabio e Gemma Noris Helena Hladilova Salome Lamas Nils Meisel Wolfgang Obermair Namsal Siedlecki Sophie Dodelin Iacopo Seri Dalila Vaz 15 April - 05 March CRIPTA747 Galleria Umberto I, int.29 - 10122 - Torino, Italia cripta747@gmail.com / T. +39 3485498512 Wednesday - Saturday / 16:00 - 19:30 A heterogeneous group (artists, designers, architects) came together to work at Cripta 747 art space. The core: to work collectively. The binder: diversity; the time experienced through the manifold of quotidian habits that become group rituals. It is not about 10 days in Torino; it is about the intrauterine speed balance. The objective is set: a space of art able to accept the difference, radicalized by every each individual working drive. The works are layers of individualism corrupted by the other, in a collaborative working process. This obtains expression by means of intellectual input or craft, embodied on the working time (cosmological time) different from the contemporary lifestyle. The show resembles a cadravre exquis, a reacting chain, where chance origins meaning.The viewer is pushed in front of a formless situation – the grotesque against the intellect’s oppression, setting a complexity that demands the use of free associations. A show is a show is a show is an exhibition where the ways have gain a voice within ethos and its modus operandi, that are meant to remain coherent with their artistic, political and social positions. Torino’s street work remains invisible once created by Torino’s people. They were free and they ought to remain free. Joseph Girls - Hi girls... (male voice) - Hi! (colective female voice) - So what´s up here? (low) - We were doing a show! (loud and excited voices) - But what is all this? (moderate) - We made everything together, and had lots of fun! (with laughs) The year of the Hare! Chinese believed that their story was related to the heaven. They called their land Middle Kingdom, which represented the kingdom of heaven. In witch stars were never to be laid. The Emperor (Son of Heaven as it was called) was the mediator between heaven and earth. He knew, by its imperial astrologer, how to identify the seasons’ change, could predict and interpret all the signs of heaven. It was believed that if the emperor had made a mistake in his predictions, he would loose all the powers conferred to him by nature. Therefore, it was important that his advisers observed and calculated with great precision all the movements of the sky. Beheading was the punishment for his eventual lapses.

Veröffentlicht Von: Wolfgang Obermair | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht Am: 09. Mai 2022, 11:06 | Geändert Am: 24. November 2022, 09:20