Corporeal Explorations



Datum, Ort

  • 06. August 2019–16. August 2019 Dunedin, Neuseeland (Dunedin School of Art, Otago Polytechnic)


body, exploration, perception, textile, art


Barbara Graf, Senior Lecturer at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, celebrates her residency at the Dunedin School of Art with an exhibition that explores body- and self- identity. Graf’s exhibition, Corporeal Explorations, opens at the Dunedin School of Art Gallery on Tuesday 6 August, followed by a public lecture at the DSA on Thursday 8 August at noon. Graf is an artist and lecturer in the Textile Department at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, with which Otago Polytechnic has a partner institution relationship. The residency is the result of a staff exchange. The artist uses drawing, sculpture, photography and film to present works that deal intensively with the body. She investigates body representations and develops flexible sculptures as a second skin. Since 2004 she has been working in artistic research projects dealing with medical issues. She is currently developing her artistic doctoral thesis Stitches and Sutures on the visualization of body perception. Covers, cloths and bandages describe a movement from the surface into the depths of the body. Solid protective wrapping become fine translucent bandages into which physical structures are drawn (with a sewing machine). On other occasions, the body is drawn cartographically. Graf turns physical spaces upside down, expanding or rearranging them. Textile and physical tissues overlap. Fabrics used in surgery are transformed artistically into membranes that embody corporeal expression and body perception.





  • Dunedin, Neuseeland
  • Dunedin
  • Neuseeland
Veröffentlicht Von: Barbara Graf | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht Am: 09. Mai 2022, 11:47 | Geändert Am: 24. November 2022, 09:32