Visual Representation of Bodily Sensations

  • The Taken-for-granted and the Alienated Body — Bodily Self-awareness


Alby Richard , Matthew Pelowski , Blanca T.M. Spee

Verlag, Ort, Datum

Humana Press, Springer Nature, Cham ZG, ZG, Schweiz, 22. Februar 2023


Sensory disorder, Bodily sensation, Perception, Self-awareness, Alienated body, Art, Visual represenation, Externalization, Micro-phenomenology, Multiple sclerosis (MS), Animationsfilm



Abstract In this paper I try to give an insight into my artistic investigation of bodily sensations. Externalizing unpleasant physical sensations through artistic practice supports the processing of disturbed body sensations and also means relief. The artistic transfer of symptoms to an outer locus enables a better understanding of one’s own altered corporeality caused by the chronic illness of multiple sclerosis (MS). As a visual artist, I have been working on issues of body expression and body awareness for about 40 years. The diagnosis of MS in 2017 and the incoming paresthesia fundamentally changed the perception of my own body. When the body is no longer the same, visual representations also demand a new way of artistic exploration. I am in the advantageous position as an artist to have a tool in my hand to formulate lived experiences, yet a new way of dealing with this tool is required. Interestingly, it is not only the artistic practice that changes through the illness, but also the new artistic approach has an effect on the perception of the body. Giving a visual language to the phenomena of a chronic illness means a psychological processing and feeling whole again in an afflicted body. In addition, I touch on fundamental questions of possibilities of representation of the invisible and mediation of subjective experiences which can be of interest in the clinical context, but also between affected persons.

Band, Seiten

Current Clinical Neurology, 277-286


Veröffentlicht Von: Barbara Graf | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht Am: 08. März 2023, 12:13 | Geändert Am: 10. Mai 2023, 11:30