Stitches and Sutures – Textile Metaphors and Graphic Topologies as Methodological Artistic Tools

Beitrag in Sammelband (peer-reviewed)


Gerald Bast , Alexander Damianisch , Barbara Putz-Plecko

Verlage, Ort, Datum

Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien, Zentrum Fokus Forschung, Wien, Österreich, 2023


body, sensation, perception, metaphor, suture, textiles, artistic research, drawing



Authors: Daniel Aschwanden, Pamela Bartar, Barbara Graf, Tanja Kimmel, Barb Macek, Valerie Messini, Verena Miedl-Faißt, Verena Sebert, Lucie Strecker. Editorial Assistance and Project Management: Wera Hippesroither Support: Felipe Duque Translation and Copy Editing: Melanie Sindelar "Textile metaphors are often used in daily language, but they also play a role in the discourse of the various disciplines of the humanities. Inspired by Jacques Lacan’s ‘upholstery button’ (‘point de capiton‘) and by the notion of ‘suture’, I ask the question: How can rhetorical figures and graphic topologies serve as a methodological resource or stimulus for an artistic process?", more under:

Band, Seiten

No 1, 27-39

Sprache, Format, Material, Ausgabe/Auflage

Englisch, 27 x 21 cm


Veröffentlicht Von: Barbara Graf | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht Am: 02. Februar 2023, 17:19 | Geändert Am: 03. Februar 2024, 08:41