ITD Conference 2021

  • Art, science and society: Reflections on TD practices on the intersection of disciplines and their impact.


Alexandra Graupner , Nina Horstmann


  • 16. September 2021 17:30–18:15 Online




Art, science and society: Reflections on TD practices on the intersection of disciplines and their impact. Alexandra Graupner1, Nina Horstmann2 1University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria; 2Hybrid Plattform Berlin; alexandra.graupner[at]uni- Transdisciplinary practices have gained popularity, therefore universities - art universities in particular - increasingly facilitate exchanges and collaborations beyond institutional, disciplinary and geographical boundaries. Yet, one area which remains a niche is the work that happens at the intersection of art, science and society: Hybrid Plattform, an initiative by the University of the Arts Berlin and the Technische Universität Berlin, and Angewandte Innovation Lab at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, both combined look back at over 20 years of expertise in this cross-disciplinary field. At the ITD Conference 2021, we will share our knowledge and experience on transdisciplinary processes and practices, and talk about the role of the institutions and facilitators in particular. We tackle the questions of how to facilitate inclusive and equitable research, how to realise specific projects and how to build strong (institutional) structures for cooperation and joint proposals. There are many approaches when conducting transdisciplinary projects, many of which share characteristics with those that include the arts. The difference is maybe most visible when it comes to describing the outcomes of the latter in terms of creativity, self-reflection, dissonance and communication. However, these outcomes will not appear automatically but need to be nurtured throughout the process. In this presentation we look at examples, reflecting on what has worked and what has worked less well in these collaborations. We stimulate a shift of perspective allowing new ways of thinking and bringing about promising future forms of work, research, teaching and output. In doing so, we offer space for encounters with an open, creative and innovative aim. Thus, such projects and exchanges address a world that is growing ever more complex, requiring multidimensional perspectives and research approaches in order to achieve holistic solutions. Within the short video presentation we will provide an overview over processes and practices as they take place on-the-ground, present formats and suggestions as to how such an inclusive approach to research and knowledge exchange can be facilitated. The ITD community will gain direct insights into how to cooperate with all parties on equal footing and how to make it an enriching experience for all. Finally, we want to convince the audience of how much inter- and transdisciplinary projects benefit from artistic skills, expertise and contributions. This session on “Art, science and society: Reflections on TD practices on the intersection of disciplines and their impact” will provide inspiration on how TD can be approached in an ever more inclusive manner, leading to innovative change and acknowledging the role of art in the process of generating new ideas.

Titel der Veranstaltung

ITD Conference 2021


Akademie der Wissenschaften Schweiz



  • Online
Veröffentlicht Von: Alexandra Graupner | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht Am: 26. Januar 2024, 11:23 | Geändert Am: 26. Januar 2024, 11:23