7 Lehrveranstaltungen
Experimental Art Games and Hybrid Ludic Objects.

Max Moswitzer

Ludic in the Sky with Drones Was sind Drohnen? Geräte des Krieges oder des Wunders? Die Hinterfragung konventioneller Vorstellungen von Körper und Technologie durch den Einsatz von Drohnen als Performer und kreative Kollaborateure. The Ludic Drone Lab - Unsere Leidenschaft ist eine fesselnde Erkundung der Bereiche von Spiel und Kunst. Die Beschreibung und die Daten werden aktualisiert. 2023W/2024S, Projektarbeit, 4.0 ECTS

Experimental Game Engines: Prototyping, Development, Intercommunication

Georg Luif

This course explores fundamentals for building creative prototypes to answer artistic research questions, developing ideas further by using up-to-date game development techniques and interfacing your projects with other technologies. Some concepts that will be covered include: 2D, basic artificial Intelligence, basic multiplayer (local), animated 3d models,... This course is a continuation of the Experimental Game Engines class of the winter… 2023W/2024S, wissenschaftliches Seminar, 4.0 ECTS

Experimental Game Mechanics

Thomas Wagensommerer

Conventional game mechanics can be described as “rule-based methods for agency in the gameworld, designed for overcoming challenges in non-trivial ways.” (Sicart, M. A. (2016a). Mechanics. In H. Lowood & R. Guins (Eds.), Debugging Game History: A Critical Lexicon. (pp. 297–304). MIT Press) This course aims to reflects on strategies to approach, research, evaluate, create and define experimental game mechanics… 2023W/2024S, wissenschaftliches Seminar, 4.0 ECTS

Game History. Hardware, Art, Technology, Society

Jogi Neufeld

Digital Games II: Game Art - Stories and Visions, Technologies and Mechanics Avant-gardes and self-empowerments in 20th century (pop)culture have fuelled and echoed in artistic creations with game-based software, hardware, rules and technologies. What inspirations stimulated artists and devs to quote, modify, recycle, remix, transform, deconstruct, disrupt, destroy, (re)build? In the course we negotiate works from the history of artistic… 2023W/2024S, Vorlesung und Übungen, 2.0 ECTS

Going Public: Experimental Game Cultures and Subotron.

Jogi Neufeld

Game Dev Studio visit guided by SUBOTRON The participants of the tour will get the chance to experience different fields of work in game development and usage, gaining insight to the daily routine as well as the professional environment. The fields of work are explained by studio members in informal conversations on the basis of concrete projects and the (team)work… 2023W/2024S, Projektarbeit, 2.0 ECTS

Lets get mechanical! Games & Mechanisms

Thomas Brandstetter

Current Concepts and Topics in Game Design This semester we are going to look at innovative concepts and topics in game design. Among other things, we will investigate how games can model cooperation and rivalry, how pervasive games probe the limits of what a game is, and how topics such as political issues can be translated into games. Our focus… 2023W/2024S, Vorlesung und Übungen, 2.0 ECTS

ZKF - Experimental Game Cultures

Margarete Jahrmann

FLOW THE FUTURE OF PLAY: Das künstlerische Kernthema steht im Mittelpunkt des Programms EXPERIMENTAL GAME CUTLURES. Hier werden künstlerische Arbeiten, Ausstellungsprojekte und LUDIC-Forschung entwickelt. All dies trägt zum Fortschritt der Masterarbeit bei. Ziel des Künstlerischen Majors ist es, neue Formen der ludischen Kunst im Bereich der experimentellen Spielkulturen zu entwickeln, zu erforschen und zu erschließen. Neue Spielkonzepte, Terminologien sollen entstehen,… 2023W/2024S, Künstl. Einzelunterricht, 8.0 ECTS