Facilitation als Kunstpraxis - Gestaltung partizipativer Settings

Charlotta Ruth
Angewandte Performance Lab, Angewandte Performance Lab
2024W, Vorlesung und Übungen (VU), 2.0 ECTS, 2.0 semester hours, course number S05419


"Facilitation", derived from the Latin "facilis," signifies "ease" or "making things easy." To facilitate represents the skill of making complex processes more accessible. The course focuses on facilitation as art practice and specifically facilitation of environments that invites participation. We look at how language, space, objects, time and participants are compositional, interrelated, complex and malleable elements for facilitating participatory, immersive environments. The course is based on artistic practice and research in the fields of game/play, hybrid realms, and participatory performance. Apart from Game/Play and Participatory Performance, the course engages with tools and approaches coming from visual art, socially engaged practice, choreography, mindfulness, and didactics in three ways: 1. by active participation in participatory situations and reflecting onto the facilitator role; 2. by subsequently designing frameworks for and taking on the role of the facilitator in participatory settings; 3. by punctual contextualising lecture inputs.The course finishes with a lab where the student group works are tested and reflected upon.

Charlotta Ruth (participatory art, play, choreography)

Guest Lecturer: Jasmin Schaitl (visual artist and performer)


Examination Modalities

- Continuous attendance and active participation in all 4 labs and group meetings.

- Development and communication of a participatory setting during the labs in small groups. Presentation and sharing during the final lab in January.

- Submission of a short written reflection on the participatory nature of the lab.


Limited places: Maximum 15 students

Language: English (German possible)


No prior knowledge is required but an interest in participatory art formats and non-frontal teaching is necessary. Due to the broad scope of the topic ‘facilitation’, all students from different institutes are welcome.

LITERATURE (recommended)

- Rameses, Imani/Ruth, Charlotta/Schaitl, Jasmin: ‘Withdrawing the Performer. Facilitating Participatory Sense-Making’, in: reposition 2/2024 p. 161 - 175.

- Hanna De Jaegher/Ezequiel Di Paolo, ‘Participatory sense-making: An enactive approach to social cognition.’ in: Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences, 6, 2007, p.485-507.


Key Words

facilitation, designing experiences, participatory sense-making, digital co-presence, play objects, performativity, agency


09 October 2024, 16:00–17:30 APL Angewandte Performance Lab, Georg-Coch Platz, Hochparterre , " KICK OFF, Einführung und Impulsvortrag"
23 October 2024, 16:00–18:30 APL Angewandte Performance Lab, Georg-Coch Platz, Hochparterre , "LAB #1, Playful Methods "
06 November 2024, 16:00–18:00 APL Angewandte Performance Lab, Georg-Coch Platz, Hochparterre , "Tools for Collaboration - Kleingruppen Meetings"
13 November 2024, 16:00–18:30 APL Angewandte Performance Lab, Georg-Coch Platz, Hochparterre , "LAB #2, Inner and Outer Spatial Relations" (guest lecture: Jasmin Schaitl)
27 November 2024, 16:00–17:30 ONLINE: https://dieangewandte-at.zoom.us/j/67405246916 , "LAB #3, Digital Enhancements and Online Co-Presence"
04 December 2024, 16:00–18:00 Angewantde Performance Lab , "Framing ideas - Kleingruppen Meetings"
11 December 2024, 16:00–18:30 APL Angewandte Performance Lab, Georg-Coch Platz, Hochparterre , "LAB #4 „Facilitating-Learning environments“ " (guest lecture: Jasmin Schaitl)
15 January 2025, 16:00–18:00 APL Angewandte Performance Lab, Georg-Coch Platz, Hochparterre , "Test, Repeat, Test - Kleingruppen Meetings"
22 January 2025, 16:00–20:00 APL Angewandte Performance Lab, Georg-Coch Platz, Hochparterre , "Sharing and Feedback of Group Works (Charlotta Ruth + Jasmin Schaitl)" (examination)

Course Enrolment

From 27 September 2024, 07:00
Via online registration

Transformation Studies. Art x Science (Bachelor): Focus! Transformation Areas: Social Transformation 162/040.20

TransArts - Transdisciplinary Arts (Bachelor): Artistic and art technology foundations: Artistic and art technology foundations 180/002.01

Expanded Museum Studies (Master): Electives: Free Electives 537/080.80

Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften (Master): Free Electives: Free Electives 568/080.80

Co-registration: not possible

Attending individual courses: not possible