Guest Lecturer: Jasmin Schaitl (visual artist and performer)
- Continuous attendance and active participation in all 4 labs and group meetings.
- Development and communication of a participatory setting during the labs in small groups. Presentation and sharing during the final lab in January.
- Submission of a short written reflection on the participatory nature of the lab.
Limited places: Maximum 15 students
Language: English (German possible)
No prior knowledge is required but an interest in participatory art formats and non-frontal teaching is necessary. Due to the broad scope of the topic ‘facilitation’, all students from different institutes are welcome.
LITERATURE (recommended)
- Rameses, Imani/Ruth, Charlotta/Schaitl, Jasmin: ‘Withdrawing the Performer. Facilitating Participatory Sense-Making’, in: reposition 2/2024 p. 161 - 175.
- Hanna De Jaegher/Ezequiel Di Paolo, ‘Participatory sense-making: An enactive approach to social cognition.’ in: Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences, 6, 2007, p.485-507.
facilitation, designing experiences, participatory sense-making, digital co-presence, play objects, performativity, agency
09 October 2024, 16:00–17:30 APL Angewandte Performance Lab, Georg-Coch Platz, Hochparterre , " KICK OFF, Einführung und Impulsvortrag"
23 October 2024, 16:00–18:30 APL Angewandte Performance Lab, Georg-Coch Platz, Hochparterre , "LAB #1, Playful Methods "
06 November 2024, 16:00–18:00 APL Angewandte Performance Lab, Georg-Coch Platz, Hochparterre , "Tools for Collaboration - Kleingruppen Meetings"
13 November 2024, 16:00–18:30 APL Angewandte Performance Lab, Georg-Coch Platz, Hochparterre , "LAB #2, Inner and Outer Spatial Relations" (guest lecture: Jasmin Schaitl)
27 November 2024, 16:00–17:30 ONLINE: , "LAB #3, Digital Enhancements and Online Co-Presence"
04 December 2024, 16:00–18:00 Angewantde Performance Lab , "Framing ideas - Kleingruppen Meetings"
11 December 2024, 16:00–18:30 APL Angewandte Performance Lab, Georg-Coch Platz, Hochparterre , "LAB #4 „Facilitating-Learning environments“ " (guest lecture: Jasmin Schaitl)
15 January 2025, 16:00–18:00 APL Angewandte Performance Lab, Georg-Coch Platz, Hochparterre , "Test, Repeat, Test - Kleingruppen Meetings"
22 January 2025, 16:00–20:00 APL Angewandte Performance Lab, Georg-Coch Platz, Hochparterre , "Sharing and Feedback of Group Works (Charlotta Ruth + Jasmin Schaitl)" (examination)
From 27 September 2024, 07:00
Via online registration
Transformation Studies. Art x Science (Bachelor): Focus! Transformation Areas: Social Transformation 162/040.20
TransArts - Transdisciplinary Arts (Bachelor): Artistic and art technology foundations: Artistic and art technology foundations 180/002.01
Expanded Museum Studies (Master): Electives: Free Electives 537/080.80
Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften (Master): Free Electives: Free Electives 568/080.80
Co-registration: not possible
Attending individual courses: not possible