Research methods in humanities

Kristina Pia Hofer
Art x Science School for Transformation
2024W, Übungen (UE), 2.0 ECTS, 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S04962


This course reviews the basics for getting a research project off the ground in the humanities:

What is a research question? How do I process field notes, and other empirical data that I have gathered myself? How do I find literature for a theme, field, topic that I plan to write about? How do I process complex academic literature? How can concepts, maps, and visualizations help me understand, contextualize and evaluate other authors' arguments and theories? How do I form my own argument, while in dialogue with relevant literature? How do I give and receive constructive feedback on my written work?


Your grade will be based on:

Attendance and participation in class (group work, discussion)

Homework (doing the reading, handing in written assignments in time)

End of term project


This class is part of the BA Transformation Studies. Art x Science. Students of this program have priority in registration.

This class is a companion course to Start Weeks:

Students who wish to take my class must register for both courses. Please take note that three dates will take place as joint sessions with the Start Weeks class.

PLEASE NOTE: The dates for the joint sessions with Start Weeks are still under review, and might be subject to change.


22. Oktober 2024, 10:15–11:45
05. November 2024, 10:15–13:30
19. November 2024, 10:15–13:30
26. November 2024, 10:15–13:30
07. Jänner 2025, 10:00–13:00, „Mapping Tutorial - joint session with Start Weeks“
14. Jänner 2025, 10:00–13:00, „Concept Lab - joint session with Start Weeks“
21. Jänner 2025, 10:00–13:00, „Concept Lab - joint session with Start Weeks“


Ab 26. August 2024, 00:00
Per Online Anmeldung

Lehramt: Unterrichtsfach kkp (Bachelor): Schwerpunkt Digitale Grundbildung (DGB): Wissenschaftliche Praxis 067/020.20

Lehramt: Unterrichtsfach dex (Bachelor): Schwerpunkt Digitale Grundbildung (DGB): Wissenschaftliche Praxis 074/020.20

Transformation Studies. Art x Science (Bachelor): Implement! Methods and Tools: Research Methods in Humanities, UE (Angewandte) 162/003.11

Mitbelegung: nicht möglich

Besuch einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen: nicht möglich