Perspectives of professional practice

Angelika Zelisko
Zentrum Fokus Forschung, Zentrum Fokus Forschung
2024W, Vorlesung und Übungen (VU), 1.0 ECTS, 1.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S04879


Perspectives of Professional Practice

General Description:

In the intensive time of studies, students are busy with finding and/or manifesting their artistic direction, gaining solid theoretical knowledge and besides this having an often unclear vision of what the professional practice will look like after graduation and how to make the first steps after graduating. In this course, we will show you based on different narratives what professional practices can look like and which steps need to be taken in order to get there.

In the run of this course we will provide input through lecture-format and in discussion with experts. We will give an overview of the institutional landscape, an insight to basics of project management, tips and tricks concerning writing proposals, internal and external communication, financing, taxes, self employment and many many more.

Resources and formats:

The course offers personal discussions with professionals from different fields and institutions. There will be a variety of formats like straightforward lectures, discussions and reflections. Invited guests from different institutional and professional backgrounds will provide a deeper and personal insight into different fields of practice.

Reflective journal: You use a reflective journal to write down/ draw/ put in learning, actions, situations, cases, reflections based on personalisation of the experiences for your own creative practise. Reflective sessions will be introduced throughout the semester as well as in the final session of the course.

Learning Outcomes: 

After attending the lecture series the students will be able to find their way through the following areas: 

  • finance in culture and arts: the students is able to understand the different possibilities of finding sufficient resources of financial means to obtain a living and pursue what you love doing (via self-employment, fundings, research); Further,  budgeting and cultural management tools will be introduced; 
  • soft skills in cultural management: team structures, internal communication, conflicts, interculture; 
  • process of writing proposals and overview of institutions (Financing); 
  • Social skills (networking); 
  • communication and social media;
  • basics of self-employment and entrepreneurship; 

Professional behavior in context:

Our goal is to offer slivers of different areas of possible artistic futures. Students are able to get a better grip on the often overwhelming amount of opportunities and fears that come with graduating through being offered helpful research and resources.

The learner should be able to identify possible chances and strategies of setting up professional artistic lives and learn from experiences and narratives of other fellow students, teachers, alumni and relevant institutions.

ATTENTION: This course is a co-teaching format. In order to receive all ECTS points, please attend both seminars with the title "Perspektiven beruflicher Praxis" (Lecturers: Alexandra Graupner and Angelika Zelisko, course numbers: S04219 and S04221).

This course will be offered in English



Prerequisites for grading:

regular participation (unexcused absence in maximum 1 session)

active participation

reflective journal

handing in of a final paper




Overview Session:

1. Session 16.10. 10:30 - 12:30
Intro and Lecture Overview: the Why, How and Who

2.Session 23.10. 10:30 - 12:30
“The Big Picture” pt1 - Themes & Contents: Introduction to project management, financing your idea and the institutional landscape (who can help me with what I'm doing?)

3. Session 30.10. 10:30 - 12:30 
Guest: ANTOINETTE RHOMBERG on self-employment. Price calculation, tax, new self-employment or which business form do I choose? Accounting, social security... Antoinette gives a short insight into the contents of her course ( and is happy to answer your questions.

4. Session 06.11.10:30 - 12:30
“The Big Picture”  pt1

5. Session 13.11. 10:30 - 12:30
Guest: FRANZ THALMAIR curator at mumok on curatorial practices (

6.Session 20.11.10:30 - 12:30
Karl SALZMANN on artistic project implementation as a professional practice

7. Session 27.11. 10:30 - 12:30

Art Law Clinic

8. Session 04.12. 10:30 - 12:30

Vienna Business Agency

9. Session 11.12. 10:30 - 12.30
Alexander Damianisch on Artistic Research

10. Session 18.12. 10:30 - 12:00 
Alumni Session w/ Ernst Jäger

11. Session 08.01. 10:30 - 12:30
Review and Reflection


16. Oktober 2024, 10:30–12:30 Seminarraum 10
23. Oktober 2024, 10:30–12:30 Seminarraum 10
30. Oktober 2024, 10:30–12:30 Seminarraum 10
06. November 2024, 10:30–12:30 Seminarraum 3
13. November 2024, 10:30–12:30 Seminarraum 10
20. November 2024, 10:30–12:30 Seminarraum 10
27. November 2024, 10:30–12:30 Seminarraum 10
04. Dezember 2024, 10:30–12:30 Seminarraum 10
11. Dezember 2024, 10:30–12:30 Seminarraum 10
18. Dezember 2024, 10:30–12:30 Seminarraum 3
08. Jänner 2025, 10:30–12:30 Seminarraum 10


Von 26. August 2024, 00:00 bis 16. Oktober 2024, 00:01
Per Online Anmeldung

Cross-Disciplinary Strategies (Master): Studienfelder 4-6: Studienfeld 5: Kommunikations- und Kooperationsstrategien 569/022.05

Design: Design und narrative Medien (2. Studienabschnitt): Methodische und theoretische Grundlagen: Designmanagement 576/203.09

Design: Kommunikationsdesign (2. Studienabschnitt): Methodische und theoretische Grundlagen: Designmanagement 577/203.11

Design: Mode (2. Studienabschnitt): Mode-Kommunikation und Mode-Business: Vertiefende Wahlfächer 584/207.80

Bildende Kunst (2. Studienabschnitt): Ökonomische und organisatorische Praxis: Selbstmanagement und Projektmanagement 605/204.01

Bildende Kunst (2. Studienabschnitt): Ökonomische und organisatorische Praxis: frei wählbar aus ökonomische und organisatorische Praxis 605/204.80

Design: Angewandte Fotografie und zeitbasierte Medien (2. Studienabschnitt): Methodische und theoretische Grundlagen: Management, Marketing, Recht 626/203.09

Mitbelegung: möglich

Besuch einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen: möglich