Introduction to Global Challenges

Manfred Nowak
Institut für Kunst und Gesellschaft, Cross-Disciplinary Strategies
2024W, Vorlesung und Diskussion (VD), 2.0 ECTS, 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S04482


This course will introduce students to the field of human rights from a multidisciplinary perspective.

First, students will learn about the philosophy and history of human rights both at the national and international level. More concretely, the main mechanisms of protecting human rights in international organisations will be discussed, including the United Nations, the Council of Europe and other regional organisations.

Further, students will analyze the main problems and challenges to human rights in the 21st century: climate crisis, economic and financial crisis, food and water crisis, armed conflicts, failed states, poverty, pandemics, organized crime, terrorism, economic inequalities, new authoritarianism, new technologies, etc.

Finally, the class will address the relationship between the arts and human rights.


Written exam on  31 October 2024 at 10.00 - 12.00. 


Permitted material to be used during the exam:

Blackstone's International Human Rights Documents, 12th Edition, Alison Bisset (ed.):


Other suggested reading:

All Human Rights for All – Vienna Manual on Human Rights:


Students from other faculties or universities will receive a place on the course subject to room capacities.


10. Oktober 2024, 10:00–16:00 CDS Lecture Room
11. Oktober 2024, 10:00–16:00 CDS Lecture Room
17. Oktober 2024, 10:00–16:00 CDS Lecture Room
18. Oktober 2024, 10:00–14:00 CDS Lecture Room
31. Oktober 2024, 10:00–12:00 CDS Lecture Room (Prüfung)


Von 26. August 2024, 00:00 bis 08. Oktober 2024, 00:01
Per Online Anmeldung

Global Challenges and Sustainable Developments (Master): Inter- and Transcultural Collaboration: students admitted by Tongji: Introd. into European Politics, History & Culture 565/003.11

Cross-Disciplinary Strategies (Master): Studienfelder 1-3: Studienfeld 3: Ökonomie und Politik 569/020.03

Cross-Disciplinary Strategies (Bachelor): Global Challenges und Cross-Disciplinary Capabilities: Grundlagenphase: Global Challenges 700/005.10

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