Mariella Greil-Möbius
Angewandte Performance Lab, Angewandte Performance Lab
2024W, Vorlesung und Übungen (VU), 4.0 ECTS, 4.0 semester hours, course number S04462
The Greek word soma means the living body referring to the core of structure and function. An introduction to a range of body mind concepts and somatic practices will activate intuition and sensitivity of the body. Using perception as a tool for empirical observation, directed touch and imagery create an awareness of physical habits and expand the radius of movement responses towards articulate, differentiated and integrated performative actions, having their source in cultivating an openness within the body.
Introduction and practice of a selection of somatic techniques (applied anatomy, ideokinesis, meridian stretching, fascial unwinding, myoreflex work and body-mind-centering as well as various improvisation techniques) and basic somatic understanding (gravity, horizontality, momentum, space, dynamics), performing and developing scores (underscore, improvisation, real time composition) lay the ground for individual and collective experiments.
The aim of the module is to practice a discourse with the physical self, probing a sense of embodiment of aesthetic, social and political contexts through “narrations of the body" as performative realisations and conceptual-compositional reflections.
In the spirit of post-disciplinary agents, the weave between feeling-doing-reflecting turns the thematic focus towards the liminal spaces emerging through crossing fields of practices. Tuning into the senses and practising visceral, embodied action will create concrete conditions for experimental aesthetic enquiry, with a special focus on cultivating compositional decision-making through somatic process.
It will be possible to partially link up with the artistic research project "Shaken Grounds: Seismography of Precarious Presences" that has started in September 2023.
Regular and active participation in performative explorations of scores, somatic practice sessions, discussions and submission of written course-related reflexion (artistic process log book) at the end of the semester.
Logbook submission until 26.02.2025 at 1:00 pm.
The course is part of the APL (Applied Performance Laboratory).
Further information here: https://apl.uni-ak.ac.at/
Thu, 17.10. von 10:00-15:00
Thu, 14.11. von 10:00-15:00
Thu, 21.11. von 10:00-15:00
Thu, 5.12. von 10:00-15:00
Thu, 12.12. von 10:00-15:00
Thu, 19.12. von 10:00-15:00
Thu, 16.1. von 10:00-15:00
Thu, 23.1. von 10:00-15:00 Präsentationen
Studio Angewandte Performance Laboratory, old P.S.K., Georg-Coch-Platz 1, A-1010 Vienna
somatic experience, experimentation, flows and forces, touch, movement responses and patterns, sensory motor action, embodiment, creative process, expanded choreography, dance, notation, geological body, contemporary performance, documentation
From 26 August 2024, 00:00
Via online registration
Art Education: subject kkp (Bachelor): Künstlerische Praxis (kkp): FOR: Technologien / Praxen (kkp) 067/001.21
Transformation Studies. Art x Science (Bachelor): Focus! Transformation Areas: Cultural Transformation 162/040.40
TransArts - Transdisciplinary Arts (Bachelor): Artistic and art technology foundations: Artistic and art technology foundations 180/002.01
Expanded Museum Studies (Master): Electives: Free Electives 537/080.80
Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften (Master): Free Electives: Free Electives 568/080.80
Cross-Disciplinary Strategies (Master): Study Areas 1-3: Study Area 1: Artistic Strategies and Approaches to Art 569/020.01
Design: Specialisation in Fashion Design (2. Section): Fashion Techniques: In-depth Free Electives 584/206.80
Design: Specialisation in Fashion Design (2. Section): Fashion in Context: Body and Space 584/208.06
Fine Arts (2. Section): Artistic Practice in Technical Context: Workshops 605/203.10
Fine Arts (2. Section): Artistic Practice in Technical Context: Free Electives out of Artistic Practice in Technical Context 605/203.80
Design: Specialisation in Applied Photography and Time-based Media (2. Section): Technical Basics: Workshop-based Projects - Knowledge of Materials 626/204.20
Cross-Disciplinary Strategies (Bachelor): Artistic Strategies and Approaches to Art: Deepening and Application 700/001.20
Art & Science (Master): Methods and Practices of Transdisciplinary Research: Praxis and Theory 776/002.16
Co-registration: possible
Attending individual courses: possible