Structural Design Integration

Wolf Mangelsdorf
Institut für Architektur, Tragkonstruktion
2024W, wissenschaftliches Seminar (SEW), 3.0 ECTS, 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S04081


In the following you find outlined what we expect from the integration of structural design into your project and from your submission.

Each student is free to give certain aspects of the integration of structural design priority. However, there should equally be consistency in the level of conceptual structural design across the entire project. Structure is a key part of any architectural project and its intelligent integration, at a minimum, leads to a better project, but if done right is a key inspiration for form, tectonics, and material.

We therefore expect you to follow these guidelines for you Integration submission.

  • There must be an overall narrative that explains how you developed the structure and, more importantly, how your study of structural systems, solutions, materials etc has informed your project.


  • We expect you have used precedent studies that have informed the development of your design, and to demonstrate the learning from those. As you develop your documentation, it is necessary to clearly show what is precedent, and what is your own work. Wherever you use material that is not your own this has to be indicated.


  • We expect you to do some qualitative analytical work and encourage the use of ‘behavioural’ physical models that allow the study of structural principles and structural form development. Physical model work needs to be photographically documented and annotated in the documentation. If you are using Karamba or any other digital structural modelling tools, please ensure any analysis you show has clear context and annotations that allow to understand structure, material, loads, supports and output forces/deflections.


  • Wherever you undertake any form of structural optimization, digitally or with physical models, optimization criteria, steps and results need to be documented.


  • We expect a critical discussion of the material developed that enables us to evaluate your ability to successfully incorporate relevant technical/ structural design aspects into your design project.

You can book regular Integration sessions, where we will work with you and guide you. We leave it up to you to decide on the intervals of our meeting sessions, however, we strongly encourage you take advantage of those and do not attempt to do this without the tutorials offered.


At the end of the semester, we expect you to submit a high-resolution document of about 10 to 15 pages, which addresses the points above in text, diagrams, and images. This, and your engagement in the regular Integration discussions throughout the semester form the basis for the grade you will receive.


Ab 26. August 2024, 00:00
Per Online Anmeldung

Architektur (Master): Bereich Expertise: Integration: Integration: Architectural Science 443/005.01

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