Künstlerische Projektarbeit | Künstlerische Forschung

Nikolaus Gansterer
Institute of Studies in Art and Art Education, Art and Communication Practices
2024W, artistic Seminar (SEK), 2.0 ECTS, 2.0 semester hours, course number S03143


Nikolaus Gansterer, M.A.
Artistic project work (2 hours) in combination with practices (2 hours)
The seminar will take place as a block within the framework of an excursion lasting several days at Whitsun /Pentecost 2024. (max. 10 persons), further preparatory meetings and individual meetings by arrangement. The course is part of the APL (Applied Performance Laboratory).

The seminar deals with fundamental translation practices of perceptual processes. Based on Gansterer's current research project "Contingent Agencies - Inquiring the Emergence of Atmospheres", methods and experimental approaches of artistic research in theory and practice will be taught. In the spirit of research-led and practice-oriented teaching, a central part of the seminar will take place as part of an excursion lasting several days (Whitsun 2025).
In the course of walking and moving together through various places and landscapes, we will observe the basic interactions of perception between the so-called "outside world and inside world". We will develop specific forms of drawing (notation) of situations and their respective atmospheres in the form of artistic field research. Through reciprocal transitions from the idea to the sign, from the word to the image, from the trace to the figure, from the material to the action, tactics of drawing and inscribing the spatial and the physical are tested and made tangible both individually and collectively. How can the specifics of a place and its fleeting atmosphere be recorded? How do I react to it? How can the collected "data", subjective experiences and recordings be further processed, brought into form and thus made communicable for others?
The aim is to raise awareness of the qualitative characteristics of being in motion in the landscape, to explore places "seismographically" and to trace one's own "choreographies of sense-making", as well as to explore and performatively expand the concept of form and material.


Examination Modalities

impulse lecture, active participation, presentation


The seminar is also part of the courses offered by the APL (Applied Performance Laboratory).
Literature & Links:
– Contingent Agencies, Nikolaus Gansterer, Alex Arteaga et al., https://contingentagencies.net/
– Die Kunst des Handelns, Michel de Certeau (ed), Merve Verlag, Berlin, 1988.
– Walkscapes: walking as an aesthetic practice, Francesco Careri (ed.) Culicidae Architectural Press, 2017.
– Choreo-graphic Figures. Deviations from the Line, Gansterer, Cocker, Greil (eds.), Edition Angewandte, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2017.



11 October 2024, 10:00–12:00 APL Angewandte Performance Lab , "Vorbesprechung"
15 November 2024, 10:00–12:00 APL Angewandte Performance Lab
22 November 2024, 10:00–12:00 APL Angewandte Performance Lab
29 November 2024, 10:00–12:00 APL Angewandte Performance Lab
13 December 2024, 10:00–12:00 APL Angewandte Performance Lab

Course Enrolment

From 26 August 2024, 00:00
Via online registration

Art Education: subject kkp (Bachelor): Künstlerische Praxis (kkp): FOR: Künstlerische Projektarbeiten (kkp) 067/001.20

Cross-Disciplinary Strategies (Master): Study Areas 4-6: Study Area 5: Communication and Cooperation Strategies 569/022.05

Co-registration: not possible

Attending individual courses: not possible