Elena Peytchinska
Institute of Fine Arts and Media Art, Stage and Film Design
2024W, artistic Seminar (SEK), 2.0 ECTS, 2.0 semester hours, course number S02800
This semester, the seminar “Produktionstechnik für Bühnenraum” offers two thematic strands. Firstly, it will focus on strategies for producing theatrical spaces that evolve as processes and events (corresponding with one of the main tasks of the Department of Stage and Film Design, SAF/VE SPACES). Secondly, the seminar will provide an overview of current stage and performance design trends, including expanded scenography, immersive theatre, sound scenography, digital scenography, and their implementations in/as artistic research. In the context of the former thematic strand, walking emerges as a method of experiencing spaces in motion while acknowledging its socio-political signification. What are the conditions for safely experiencing a walk, and for whom? How can we transpose this experience into theatrical spaces? The spatial theory of feminist political geographer Doreen Massey supports this artistic exploration. According to Massey (2005), space is a product of interrelations, is heterogeneous, and is always in process: unfinished, open. In further elaborating on places and landscapes, Massey emphasises their unfolding as events and their storytelling potential (Massey 2006). Through a series of workshops, we will explore the spatio-dramaturgical impact of Massey’s spatial categories and apply them as transmedial and embodied spatial practice. The seminar’s first thematic strand aligns with Jakob Brossmann’s homonymous course (Produktionstechnik für Bühnenraum, S03684). Both seminars address different but complementary approaches to examining the significance, process, and architecture of SAF/VE SPACES. Attendance of both courses is recommended but optional. In the context of the second thematic strand, students are invited to develop projects that transmedially and crossdisciplinary explore spatial dramaturgy, as well as critically engage with questions related to space, place and site.
80 % attendance
or 50 % attendance + developing a project, critically engaging with questions related to space, place, and site.
spatial dramaturgy, performance design, expanded scenography, immersive theatre, space as event, Doreen Massey, walking methodologies, sound scenography
25 October 2024, 14:00–18:30 Department Stage and Film Design
08 November 2024, 14:00–18:30 Department Stage and Film Design
15 November 2024, 14:00–18:30 Department Stage and Film Design
22 November 2024, 14:00–18:30 Department Stage and Film Design
29 November 2024, 14:00–18:30 Department Stage and Film Design
From 26 August 2024, 00:00 to 25 October 2024, 13:00
Via online registration
TransArts - Transdisciplinary Arts (Bachelor): Artistic and art technology foundations: Artistic and art technology foundations 180/002.01
Stage Design (1. Section): Bühnen- und Filmbau: Produktionstechnik für Bühnenraum 542/105.07
Stage Design (2. Section): Bühnen- und Filmbau: Produktionstechnik für Bühnenraum 542/205.07
Co-registration: not possible
Attending individual courses: not possible