Jenni Tischer
Arts and Society, Art and Knowledge Transfer
2024S, Vorlesungen (VO), 2.0 ECTS, 2.0 semester hours, course number S04695
Rethinking Feminisms. Past, Present, Future
Feminism is not a singular concept - and never has been: there is not just one feminism, but a multitude of divergent theoretical and practical approaches. Even today, what is meant by feminism is contested and disputed. This is evident in the negotiation of which genealogies enter into feminist struggles against the backdrop of different political and sociocultural backgrounds.
How can new concepts of earlier texts and practices of feminist movements be discovered, or older concepts be made (differently) productive? How do feminist theories relate to different forms of structural inequality, which alliances, crossings, and contradictions exist?
The subject matter is the content of the guest lectures and the accompanying materials, usually texts provided by the lecturers.
There will be a written exam at the end of the semester in which you must answer a question about the lectures in writing.
For any questions please contact: jenni.tischer@uni-ak.ac.at
Feminism, Queer-Feminism, kollektive Fürsorge, collective Care, Indigenous Feminisms, Trans Feminist Activism
13 March 2024, 18:00–20:00 Seminar Room 7 , "Introduction" (preliminary discussion)
10 April 2024, 18:00–20:00 Auditorium , "Charlotte Matter"
24 April 2024, 10:00–12:00 Auditorium , "Rychèl Thérin: Mana Wāhine Māori and the Mataaho Collective: the power of collectivity and how we feed our roots."
22 May 2024, 18:00–20:00 Lecture Room 1 , "Luce deLire: Sign here - the transsexual contract and other means of oppression"
05 June 2024, 18:00–20:00 Lecture Room 1 , "Liang-Kai Yu: Killjoy Sound: Trans Feminist Activism in Museum Spaces"
19 June 2024, 18:00–20:00 Lecture Room 1 , "Examination" (examination)
From 05 February 2024, 00:00 to 13 March 2024, 10:00
Via online registration
Art Education: subject kkp (Bachelor): Wissenschaftliche Praxis: FOR: Lehrveranstaltungen nach Wahl aus Wissenschaftliche Praxis 067/003.80
Art Education: subject kkp (Bachelor): Weitere Schwerpunkte: Diversity, Gender und Queer Studies 067/030.05
Art Education: subject kkp (Enhancements study): Wissenschaftliche Praxis: FOR: Lehrveranstaltungen nach Wahl aus Wissenschaftliche Praxis 067/003.80
Art Education: subject dex (Bachelor): Wissenschaftliche Praxis: FOR: Lehrveranstaltungen nach Wahl aus Wissenschaftliche Praxis 074/003.80
Art Education: subject dex (Bachelor): Weitere Schwerpunkte: Diversity, Gender und Queer Studies 074/030.05
Art Education: subject dex (Enhancements study): Wissenschaftliche Praxis: FOR: Lehrveranstaltungen nach Wahl aus Wissenschaftliche Praxis 074/003.80
Transformation Studies. Art x Science (Bachelor): Focus! Transformation Areas: Social Transformation 162/040.20
TransArts - Transdisciplinary Arts (Bachelor): Theoretical foundations: Theoretical foundations 180/003.01
Expanded Museum Studies (Master): Electives: Gender Studies 537/080.34
Stage Design (1. Section): Kunsttheorie und Kulturwissenschaften: Gender Studies 542/107.06
Stage Design (2. Section): Kunsttheorie und Kulturwissenschaften: Gender Studies 542/207.06
Media Arts: Specialisation in Transmedia Arts (2. Section): Wissenschaft, Theorie und Geschichte : Genderstudies 566/208.07
Media Arts: Specialisation in Digital Arts (2. Section): Wissenschaft, Theorie, Geschichte: Genderstudies 567/208.07
Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften (Master): Electives Area 2: Art and Knowledge Transfer 568/006.19
Design: Specialisation in Communication Design (2. Section): Methodological and Theoretical Basics: Humanities 577/203.02
Design: Specialisation in Fashion Design (1. Section): Methodological and Theoretical Basics: Free Elective Pool Methodological and Theoretical Basics 584/103.80
Design: Specialisation in Fashion Design (2. Section): Fashion in Context: Body and Space 584/208.06
Fine Arts (2. Section): Scientific and Research Practice: Gender Studies 605/202.10
Fine Arts (2. Section): Scientific and Research Practice: Free Electives out of Scientific and Research Practice 605/202.80
Design: Specialisation in Applied Photography and Time-based Media (2. Section): Methodological and Theoretical Basics: Humanities 626/203.02
Cross-Disciplinary Strategies (Bachelor): Economy and Politics: Deepening / Application 700/004.20
Co-registration: possible
Attending individual courses: possible