Inner Spaces / The Interior

Gregorio Lubroth
Institut für Architektur, Institut für Architektur
2024S, wissenschaftliches Seminar (SEW), 2.0 ECTS, 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S04656


The seminar is the second part of a three part course that extends into the summer semester with a second seminar and concludes in an on-site summer workshop. Participation in all segments of the course is encouraged but not mandatory.

The course focuses on the interior as a conceptual space formed by lived experiences. The interior should be understood as provisional, either because our time in it is limited or because it is in constant flux with an opposing position, an exterior. We will look at the interior as an intersection between physical, mental, and digital modes of being. Close attention to boundaries, thresholds, and interstices will help us articulate our visions for the interior.

The first semester focuses on research, theory, and schematic/iterative atmospheric ideas. The second semester demands that the group select a single motivation to be articulated in detail. Here the group confronts the realities of budget, planning, and communication (see comments below for more details). The summer workshop sees the implementation of the work itself.

The course is as much about understanding and creating atmospheres and experiences through specific effects, as it is about finding inventive strategies for collective endeavors. The students, as a group, are simultaneously makers, actors, critics, and authors.

Moreover, the students will be charged with creating a spatial intervention that will be up and in place for a year in a space that is open to the street and caters to a particular informality of urban life. This gives the students a unique opportunity not only to test their ideas as a resolution of a collective design process but also as an actual public artifact in constant interaction with a transient body of people that populate the space or interface with its presence from the street.


IMPORTANT: This course is co-taught! To register fully for the course (full credits) please register to the twin course under same title (S04654)!!

Examination for this course is firmly based on 1) attendance and 2) participation in group work. The course centers around a collective project, thus the above two requirements are a must.

Formal Registration (for validation, marking, and credits) is on a first come first serve basis (or to pre-diploma students with credit requirements).

The course is open to students from other departments!


Further notes on the Summer Semester (Part 2) component of the course:

The second semester deals with reviewing, refining, and detailing the proposed installation. The students, will be responsible for planning their proposal according to a concrete budget and in relation to the demands, limitations, and opportunities of the actual site.

The semester kicks off with an introductory lecture followed by weekly feedback sessions.

Similar to the first semester seminar, there will be occassional of campus guest lectures and visits to fabrication sites.

The semester culminates with a presentation of the work as a planning set and provides the stage for the hired firms and trades to fabricate over the summer in preparation for an eventual installation in August 2024.


atmosphere, implementation, collective-work, Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, Kunst im öffentlichen Raum


15. März 2024, 10:00–12:00 Seminarraum 9 , „Introductory Lecture / Feedback Session 1“
22. März 2024, 09:00–14:00, „Installation Feedback 2 / Guest Lecture Fabrication Techniques (off campus)“
12. April 2024, 10:00–12:00, „Installation Feedback Session 3“
19. April 2024, 10:00–12:00, „Installation Feedback Session 4“
26. April 2024, 09:00–14:00, „Installation Feedback 5 / Guest Lecture Fabrication Techniques (off campus)“
03. Mai 2024, 10:00–12:00, „Installation Feedback Session 6“
17. Mai 2024, 10:00–12:00, „Installation Feedback Session 7“
24. Mai 2024, 09:00–13:30, „Installation Presentation (@if dogs run free)“
07. Juni 2024, 09:00–12:30, „Post-Presentation Manufacturing Meeeting “


Von 01. August 2023, 10:27 bis 29. März 2024, 10:27
Per Online Anmeldung

Architektur (Master): Bereich Expertise: Instrumentarium: Kommunikation 443/004.11

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