Theory of Living Spaces

Andrea Börner
Institut für Architektur, Urbane Strategien
2024S, wissenschaftliches Seminar (SEW), 3.0 ECTS, 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S03285


The course draws attention to diverse connotations and contradictory relations of Wastelands to living spaces. By means of individual narrations, we adopt all sorts of possible and—maybe impossible—vantage points of exploration, demonstrated by actual situations the world currently produces.


Continuous assessment through frequent and active participation.

Presentation, investigation of a sub-topic.

Seminar-work: documented visual/textual elaboration with negotiable focus, related to individual interest and the subject of the course.


Priority is given to students of architecture who did not yet participate in the course and are in their higher semesters from their 2nd year on. Ranking is made by time of registration and semester level. Others are very welcome as long as there are places (max 20 participants).

Note: Online registration until 29th February is mandatory for participation. With online enrolment it is agreed that the list of accepted participants (+ pot. waiting list) is accordingly provided to all registered students latest by March 4.

In order to avoid administrative detours and blocking of places, please only register if you really intend to take the class, and please de-register timely in case you decided otherwise.


12. März 2024, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 6
19. März 2024, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 6
09. April 2024, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 6
16. April 2024, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 6
23. April 2024, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 6
30. April 2024, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 6
07. Mai 2024, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 6
14. Mai 2024, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 6
28. Mai 2024, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 6
04. Juni 2024, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 6
11. Juni 2024, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 6
25. Juni 2024, 12:30–14:00, „room TBA“


Von 01. Februar 2024, 12:00 bis 29. Februar 2024, 12:00
Per Online Anmeldung

Architektur (Master): Bereich Expertise: Theorie: Urbane Strategien 443/003.04

Mitbelegung: möglich

Besuch einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen: möglich