Experimental Game Mechanics

Thomas Wagensommerer
Institut für Kunst und Gesellschaft, Experimental Game Cultures
2023W, wissenschaftliches Seminar (SEW), 4.0 ECTS, 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S30456


Conventional game mechanics can be described as “rule-based methods for agency in the gameworld, designed for overcoming challenges in non-trivial ways.” (Sicart, M. A. (2016a). Mechanics. In H. Lowood & R. Guins (Eds.), Debugging Game History: A Critical Lexicon. (pp. 297–304). MIT Press)

This course aims to reflects on strategies to approach, research, evaluate, create and define experimental game mechanics to overcome the present state of game mechanics in a playful way.

Throughout the course, we use and misuse modes of digital production to perforate the surface of representation to expose its new flesh. (cf. Videodrome - David Cronenberg 1983)

This course explicitly understands game (or rather: play) as a matter of artistic creation.

This seminar will be split into a theoretical and a practical (workshop-like) part.




Exercises / Conception of prototypes

Individual research and presentation



Pre-Installation of the latest version of Unity3D

Laptop with hardware capable of running Unity3D

Camera + Microphone (e.g. Smartphone)



game art, game mechanics, game engine, unity, artificial intelligence, sound, surrealism, shader, programming, conceptual, computer animation, computer graphics, software, digital imaging, electronic music, media art, electronic media, music, sound art, narration, game play, Audioinstallation, Kunst im Internet, Interaktive Kunst, Performance


10. Oktober 2023, 10:00–11:00 GCP (former: PSK) Georg Coch Platz 2, 1st floor (studio 151/152/156) 1010 Wien (Vorbesprechung)
17. Oktober 2023, 10:00–13:00 GCP (former: PSK) Georg Coch Platz 2, 1st floor (studio 151/152/156) 1010 Wien
24. Oktober 2023, 10:00–13:00 GCP (former: PSK) Georg Coch Platz 2, 1st floor (studio 151/152/156) 1010 Wien
31. Oktober 2023, 10:00–13:00 GCP (former: PSK) Georg Coch Platz 2, 1st floor (studio 151/152/156) 1010 Wien
07. November 2023, 10:00–13:00 GCP (former: PSK) Georg Coch Platz 2, 1st floor (studio 151/152/156) 1010 Wien
14. November 2023, 10:00–13:00 GCP (former: PSK) Georg Coch Platz 2, 1st floor (studio 151/152/156) 1010 Wien
21. November 2023, 10:00–13:00 GCP (former: PSK) Georg Coch Platz 2, 1st floor (studio 151/152/156) 1010 Wien
28. November 2023, 10:00–13:00 GCP (former: PSK) Georg Coch Platz 2, 1st floor (studio 151/152/156) 1010 Wien
05. Dezember 2023, 10:00–13:00 GCP (former: PSK) Georg Coch Platz 2, 1st floor (studio 151/152/156) 1010 Wien
12. Dezember 2023, 10:00–13:00 GCP (former: PSK) Georg Coch Platz 2, 1st floor (studio 151/152/156) 1010 Wien
09. Jänner 2024, 10:00–13:00 GCP (former: PSK) Georg Coch Platz 2, 1st floor (studio 151/152/156) 1010 Wien
16. Jänner 2024, 10:00–13:00 GCP (former: PSK) Georg Coch Platz 2, 1st floor (studio 151/152/156) 1010 Wien
23. Jänner 2024, 10:00–13:00 GCP (former: PSK) Georg Coch Platz 2, 1st floor (studio 151/152/156) 1010 Wien


Ab 11. Juli 2023, 13:00
Per Online Anmeldung

Experimental Game Cultures (Master): Spielentwicklung und Reflexion: Spielentwicklung und Reflexion I-III 536/001.01

Mitbelegung: nicht möglich

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