CDC Bachelor Final Project Lab

Sarah Hager
Institut für Kunst und Gesellschaft, Cross-Disciplinary Strategies
2023W, Projektarbeit (PA), 16.0 ECTS, 1.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S04945


This course is mandatory for students seeking to complete a CDS BA Thesis in WS 2023/24. The aim of the course is to support students in developing the thesis project from ideation to final exam.

The CDC Bachelor Final Project Lab is co-taught by the CDS faculty supervisors - in WS2023/24 these are Adnan Balcinovic, Aurianne Chevandier, Fabian Fischer, Sarah Hager, and Andrea Schaffar. There are four main sessions:

Session 1: What is theory? What is method? What is evidence? What is an application?

Session 2: Unblocking Session – Expose

Session 3: Application Jam

Session 4:  Unblocking Session – Final Preparation

Finalists are highly encouraged to enrol for the skills course which will support them in text production.


Jurried Final Exam


Additional meetings for the AAA exhibition and individual consultation with supervisors are required.


11. Oktober 2023, 09:15–12:00 CDS Studio
08. November 2023, 09:15–12:00 CDS Studio
22. November 2023, 09:15–12:10 CDS Studio
17. Jänner 2024, 09:15–12:00 CDS Studio


Von 01. September 2023, 14:20 bis 31. Oktober 2023, 14:20
Per Online Anmeldung

Cross-Disciplinary Strategies (Bachelor): Global Challenges und Cross-Disciplinary Capabilities: Abschlussphase: Cross-Disciplinary Capabilities (Bachelorseminar) 700/005.30

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