Academic Skills for Finalists

Birgit Peterson
Institut für Kunst und Gesellschaft, Cross-Disciplinary Strategies
2023W, wissenschaftliches Seminar (SEW), 4.0 ECTS, 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S04500


This lecture shall support finalists of the CDS Program in their thesis writing process.

For this purpose, we provide topic specific seminar blocks, focused on the most important academic working, reading and writing strategies for their specific working phase of their thesis-writing process. The aim is, to provide feedback on their actual status and drafts, and feed forward for their next steps in sharpening their focus for the critical issues of the next working phase.

Furthermore this seminar should be a save space for exchange and discussing students individual problems with their thesis and their thesis writing process.

Our topics are:

- A good Expose as a guideline for your writing process: How to narrow your topic, sharpen your specific research question or aim, and structure your thesis project

-Kick-off: get started with putting your thesis zero draft down! Writing and reading and citation

-Finish your Zero draft and your practical work and get a “shitty first draft” on paper.

- Feedback on your 1st draft: Revision of content and macro structure

-Feedback on your Advanced draft:
How to improve micro structure, argument and academic language.
How to refine your style and fulfil formal requirements


For participation in one seminar and handing in the required work for this specific seminar (always parts of the thesis working process) students will get a B, if they participate in more than two lectures and fulfill the connected assignments, they will get an A.


18. Oktober 2023, 09:15–12:30 KUG Lecture Room PSK 149
25. Oktober 2023, 09:15–12:30 KUG Lecture Room PSK 149
15. November 2023, 09:15–12:30 KUG Lecture Room PSK 149
29. November 2023, 09:15–12:30 KUG Lecture Room PSK 149
06. Dezember 2023, 09:15–12:30 KUG Lecture Room PSK 149
13. Dezember 2023, 09:15–12:30 KUG Lecture Room PSK 149
10. Jänner 2024, 09:15–12:30 KUG Lecture Room PSK 149


Per Online Anmeldung

Cross-Disciplinary Strategies (Master): Studienfelder 4-6: Studienfeld 5: Kommunikations- und Kooperationsstrategien 569/022.05

Cross-Disciplinary Strategies (Bachelor): Global Challenges und Cross-Disciplinary Capabilities: Abschlussphase: Lehrveranstaltungen als Vertiefung/Ergänzung zur Bachelorarbeit 700/005.35

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