Adaptive Strategies

Galo Patricio Moncayo Asan
Institut für Architektur, Energiedesign
2023W, künstlerisches Seminar (SEK), 4.0 ECTS, 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S03925


Machines to exposed the unseen In present day architectural discourse, the mouse, the keyboard, hardware and software have become the main tools in the design process. These tools guide us in conscious and unconscious ways, influencing our way of working and thinking, therefore our design. In recent years, technological developments have started to close the gap between digital design and its realisation. For example, kinematic systems like robots and 3d printers have become an intrinsic part of materialising digital and parametric ideas in architecture, making the fabrication of this shapes easier. Nevertheless, becoming a constraint, the geometry you input is the geometry to get. 

The major design goal is to provide a built structure that is able to adapt to different climate and usage patterns and can display dynamic behaviour in response to stimuli from the inmediate surroundings and the occupants.

To construct the designs into scale models, different supportive tools and techniques will be deployed, such as numeric thermal building simulation, parametric design programming, micro-controllers and mechatronic systems among others.

The course will start with and arduino sensor workshop to be able to map the information form the outside and the inside of the structure live. The sensor will be of many kinds for ex:  sound, humidity, light, temperature, co2, etc. we will take this information, recorded and map it in real time using Rhino and Grasshopper. 

Once We have done that we will use this information to inform and guide the design of our prototypes.


This is an one assignment-driven course. Students will be expected to generate work based on their own experience. Students should take the initiative to discuss interests or obstacles, both conceptual and technical, with the instructor and their peers. Depending on the student’s level and work habits, more or less direction will be given by the instructor. Tremendous individual impetus for the making of work and participation in critiques is essential.

•Attendance is crucial and will be recorded.

•We will conduct critiques every second week with desk crits, discussion periods, and workshops during other class sessions; you will be expected to produce different stages of the project, appropriate to the work period scheduled, during the semester.

•When we are not meeting as a class to critique work or cover other material, CLASS TIME IS WORK TIME. You MUST be here and you MUST be working. The gathering of materials and tools must take place outside of class.

•Work that is not ready at the time of the critique will not be discussed as a class.

Work presented to me late will devalue one letter grade per successive class period until it is presented. Failure to attend a critique without providing documentation of extenuating circumstances will also devalue that session’s work by one grade; that is, failing to complete your work but coming to the critique anyway will only cost you one letter, but skipping the critique as well as turning work in late will cost you two.

•You will keep a notebook/sketchbook of what takes place during the semester. Some written assignments will not be collected and these must be done in your book. You must also bring this journal to every critique and studio meeting and write down what happens. You’ll thank me later.


Adaptive Strategies and Machining Praxis in Architecture are joining forces this semester to make an interactive installation. Students are encouraged to participate in both courses. It is also possible for students to participate only in one of the respective courses and team up with a student from the other. The final installation will be a responsive/interactive installation. The interaction design and strategies will be discovered and implemented in the Adaptive Strategies course and the general design, adapting to responsive behavior, connections with other components and the fabrication will be carried out in the Machining Praxis in Architecture course.  More details will be discussed in the kick-off session of both courses. Please visit theMachining Praxis in Architecture seminar page for more information and do not hesitate to contact the course directors if you have further questions.


10. Oktober 2023, 09:45–11:30 Seminarraum 7
17. Oktober 2023, 09:45–11:30 Seminarraum 7
24. Oktober 2023, 09:45–11:30 Seminarraum 7
31. Oktober 2023, 09:45–11:30
07. November 2023, 09:45–11:30
14. November 2023, 09:45–11:30
21. November 2023, 09:45–11:30
28. November 2023, 09:45–11:30
05. Dezember 2023, 09:45–11:30
12. Dezember 2023, 09:45–11:30
19. Dezember 2023, 09:45–11:30
09. Jänner 2024, 09:45–11:30
16. Jänner 2024, 09:45–11:30, „“
30. Jänner 2024, 09:45–11:30 Seminarraum 2


Von 22. Juli 2022, 13:09 bis 31. Oktober 2023, 13:21
Per Online Anmeldung

Architektur (Master): Bereich Expertise: Instrumentarium: Angewandte Strategien 443/004.21

Mitbelegung: nicht möglich

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