Dissertant*innenseminar (Doktoratsstudium Künstlerische Forschung)

Margarete Jahrmann
Center Research Focus, Center Research Focus
2023W, artistic Seminar (SEK), 2.0 ECTS, 1.0 semester hours, course number S02593


The  individual artistic research projects are reviewed and discussed with the PhD candidates. The aim is to recognize the significance of the artistic research approach in the arts.  Individual specific questions and a review of the actual status quo of theories of artistic research will inform individual concepts to develop Your own unique artistic research approaches. 

We will refer to concepts of the Ludic, i.e. transversal thinking and free play as a method. Artistic research goals are sometimes fictitiously formulated, presented in playful formats, and made public in processes of exchange. The methods of artistic research include - in a structural coupling - contradictions, science and associative memory games.

In the discussed theory and practice of artistic research we will reflect specific ways to approach art, society, cultures and epistemic things – in short Ludic objects! 


Examination Modalities

  • -participation at sessions, by appointment.
  • - reaction on the topic od LUDIC METHOD in relation to the individual thesis
  • - research updates and presentation of the PhD project


Literature: Jahrmann M (2021). Ludic Meanders through Defictionalization: The Narrative Mechanics of Art Games in the Public Spaces of Politics. In: Suter, Beat, Bauer, René and Mela Kocher (eds.).  Narrative Mechanics. Strategies and Meanings in Games and Real Life. Bielefeld: transcript 2021, pp. 257-278. https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839453452-014


Jahrmann M (2023). Ludic Method Ouvroir. Experimenteller FLOW, Kunst und Wissenschaft. In: Stadler, E. (eds.).  Die Radikale Universität. Wien: DeGruyter.


2022    Mindworm: Narrenturm. Augmented reality piece. Part of Permanent Collection of the [Artificial Museum] (Jahrmann/Glasauer/Luif/Wagensommerer). https://artificialmuseum.com/vienna/#z=18&lat=48.21836&lng=16.35317&s=list-locations&d=narrenturm&p=narrenturm

2022    Nubes Mental. Objeto de Juego. (Jahrmann/Glasauer/Wagensommerer/Kedl). Invited artist at 14th Biennale de Habana. http://www.wlam.cult.cu/page57.html

2022    MindClearing (Jahrmann/Glasauer). Exhibition, performance and installation, Fundacion Ludwig de Cuba. https://www.instagram.com/p/CbiItKOLV7L/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

2021    SPIKE_Clouds_Climate.Mind. Play concert performance for non-human actors and various minds. Performance (Jahrmann/ Glasauer/ Wagensommerer) im Rahmen des Festivals #Hybrid Play #RealityCheck. Festspielhaus Hellerau Dresden. https://www.hellerau.org/de/event/spike_clouds_climate-mind/

Key Words

Art, Games, Play, Politics, Activism

Course Enrolment

Via online registration

Artistic Research PhD Programme (PhD in Art): Courses and Privatissima: Privatissima or Doctoral Seminars 950/003.02

Co-registration: not possible

Attending individual courses: not possible