Design Entwurf 2.0

Stefan Diez
Institut für Design, Industrial Design
2023S, Künstl. Einzelunterricht (KE), 20.0 ECTS, 6.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S20502


Beleuchtungen für den öffentlichen Raum

Die öffentliche Beleuchtung, die ursprünglich zum Schutz vor Überfällen und zur Orientierung gedacht war, wurde mit dem Vormarsch der Automobilität im 20. Jahrhundert zunehmend auf den motorisierten Verkehr ausgerichtet. Inzwischen ist die "autogerechte Stadt" jedoch zu einer ernsthaften Belastung für die in ihr lebenden Menschen und Tiere geworden, so dass nun ein Umdenken stattfindet. Hoher (fossiler) Energieverbrauch durch Verkehr und Beleuchtung, schädliche Auswirkungen auf den Lebensrhythmus der Stadtbewohner, Lichtverschmutzung, Insektensterben, gefährlich aufgeheizte Innenstädte usw. führen zu Überlegungen, das private Auto aus den Innenstädten zu verbannen und den frei werdenden Platz auf andere Weise zu nutzen. Im Zuge solcher Erwägungen ergeben sich ganz neue Spielräume für die innerstädtische Beleuchtung und die Möglichkeit, sie wieder an den Bedürfnissen der Bewohner auszurichten, wobei atmosphärische und ästhetische Überlegungen in den Vordergrund rücken.

Das Südtiroler Unternehmen EWO, das zum Teil an der Wiener Stadtbeleuchtung beteiligt ist, wird uns im kommenden Semester bei dieser Aufgabe begleiten.

Wir starten mit einer Nachtwanderung zusammen mit Hannes Wohlgemuth (Geschäftsführer von Ewo) und Iris Podgorschek (Geschäftsführerin von podpod design) am 2.3.23 um 20:00 Uhr, um uns einige gute als auch schlechte Beispiele für städtische Beleuchtung anzusehen. Ein ganztägiger Workshop zusammen mit Hannes und Stefan folgt am 3.3.23 von 9:30-14:00, bei dem wir unter anderem einen Blick in den MAK-Garten werfen und einen Spaziergang um die Angewandte machen.

Verlauf und Ziel des Semesterprojekts CITY LIGHTS:
Beschreibe anhand eines selbst gewählten Beispiels, wo sich neue Spielräume für die innerstädtische Nutzung des öffentlichen Raums ergeben. Beschreibe, inwieweit neue oder bekannte Bedürfnisse der Stadtbewohner/innen bedient werden und welche Verhaltensweisen oder Gewohnheiten sich herausbilden. Erkläre die Rolle von Beleuchtung und Atmosphäre und mache Vorschläge, wie diese Stimmung in dem von dir gewählten Beispiel erzeugt werden kann.

Das Projekt CITY LIGHTS ist grundsätzlich auf die Stadt Wien beschränkt. Für diejenigen von euch, die an einer längerfristigen, professionellen technischen Umsetzung des Projekts interessiert sind, könnte es sich anbieten, einen Ort im MAK-Garten zu wählen. Von Lilli Hollein, der Direktorin des MAK, wissen wir, dass sie an zukunftsweisenden Ideen zum Thema Stadtbeleuchtung sehr interessiert ist und sich gut vorstellen kann, entsprechende Projekte als Dauerinstallation in ihrem Hof/Garten umzusetzen. Als Hersteller für die Umsetzung bietet sich natürlich EWO an. Also: MAK ist kein Muss, aber der Garten und die unmittelbare Umgebung, insbesondere Uferpromenade und Wien Fluss, bieten viele Möglichkeiten.

Wir wünschen einen inspirierenden Start und hoffe, dass euch Neugier und Experimentierfreude durch das Projekt tragen werden. Vergesst nicht: Der Weg ist wichtiger als das Ziel und: enjoy the process!!! 

Für den 21. April planen wir eine Exkursion zur Ewo in Bozen.

Stefan Diez & Christian Steiner, zusammen mit EWO (


Die Benotung in den Fächern Design Entwurf 1.0 und 2.0 setzt sich aus Teilaspekten zusammen, die nach der Schlusspräsentation und Abgabe der Bild und Textmaterialien zu einer Gesamtbewertung verschmolzen werden. Die Materialien müssen 3 Wochen nach den Finals abgegeben sein. Die Bewertung ist 4 Wochen nach den Finals abgeschlossen.



“DESIGN ENTWURF 2.0" is organised in 4 groups: Katrin Sailer & Jakob Illera, Christian Steiner & Stefan Diez, Elisabeth Wildling & Peter Mahlknecht (represented by Louis Betin), Marcus Bruckmann & Sofia Podreka each form a team of teachers. Supervision takes place weekly together with the students of "DESIGN ENTWURF 1.0".

While the final grade in the course "DE 1.0" is given by the teachers of the 4 groups, the evaluation of "DE 2.0" is done by Prof. Stefan Diez in agreement with the supervisors. Therefore, starting this semester, there will be a separate debriefing with Stefan after each of the concept and midterm presentations. The main purpose of the debriefing is to discuss the feedback you received from the teachers and experts during the presentation.

The process and documentation of your semester project is linked to particular expectations, which are explained below and should serve as a general guideline:



The concept presentation is about narrowing down the overall semester topic and determining what you want to focus on this semester. This decision is preceded by thorough research on the topic, which should also be largely completed with the concept presentation. The concept presentation leads into a short explanation of your project briefing. This can be, for example, a problem or a question to which you want to find an answer in the course of the semester. Take this opportunity to describe how you want to approach the answer and explain what experiments and trials will be undertaken.  Think about what you want to use the remaining time in the semester for, clarify your priorities and transfer your plans into a roadmap. 

For the concept presentation, it can be methodologically helpful to orientate yourself on the 5 questions of Vico Magistretti*: WHO? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? WHY? As the project progresses, these answers will be continually developed. 

It is often useful to include sketches, diagrams, images and mockups in your presentation in order to illustrate your concept and make it more appealing and understandable. In particular, consider the possibilities of CGI to demonstrate the potential or even the utopian potential of your ideas without spending too much time and money.


The concept presentation is usually the most difficult presentation, as the outline of your project is already crystallised here and the scope for the coming weeks and months is defined. Your colleagues' presentations are an important part of your training, which is why your active participation in all presentations is obligatory.MIDTERM PRESENTATION

The midterm presentation is about presenting the results of your experiments, illustrating the different possible solutions or answers that have evolved over the last weeks and finally to document the progress of your project. The main objective is to get feedback from other students, teachers and experts. In this way, you can identify potential problems or weaknesses in your concept early on and share ideas on how to fix them at a time when such considerations can still be incorporated into your final project. .... 

The interim presentation is also a good opportunity to communicate your curiosity and eagerness to experiment to the audience and to make your passion and commitment to your work come across.

For the midterm presentation, it can be very helpful to include a working model in your presentation that illustrates your experimental approach and answers important questions about your work. In particular, consider the possibilities of CGI to demonstrate the potential or even the utopian potential of your ideas.


 Your colleagues' presentations are an important part of your training, which is why your active participation in all presentations is obligatory.




The final presentation should explain the background of the project, the challenges that had to be overcome and the objectives of your proposal. Your presentation should show the results of your experiments and trials and explain what choices you made, why they were made and how they contributed to your project, product or answer.

Your presentation should address how your result relates to the most pressing and important social, cultural, political and environmental challenges of our time and how your proposal will positively change them. It may be worthwhile to have a look at the CIRCULAR DESIGN GUIDELINES**, which contain the essential criteria for future-oriented design.


The presentation should also include an evaluation of your decisions and how well the set goals were achieved.  Your presentation can also include future plans for the further development of your project and show that you are thinking long-term.


The different aspects of your semester project should be presented using a model or prototype, although the choice of model will of course largely depend on your solution. The presentation should be aesthetically pleasing, interesting and possibly humorous. The use of e.g. videos, sketches, mock-ups, demonstrations with the help of your colleagues can help to convey your message in a more understandable and memorable way.


 Your colleagues' presentations are an important part of your training, which is why your active participation in all presentations is obligatory.PROJECT DOCUMENTATION

Your workbook allows to draw important conclusions about your way of working and plays a certain role for the evaluation of your presentation as well as for the debriefing.

The current status of your workbook must therefore be uploaded to the appropriate BASE folder immediately after the presentation.


After the final presentation, the following must be delivered no later than 3 weeks:

-A photo/video documentation of your project (eventually taken in a photo studio and done with a photographer).

-A brief project description answering the questions "Who? Where?, What? How?, Why?





The workbook is basically the logbook of your project, you could also call it a project diary. It is constantly updated and allows you to keep track of the progress and decisions made during the semester.  In the workbook, you document your research (with references!), the questions that arise, your experiments (pictures/videos), the conclusions, comments from your peers and teachers, expert opinions, etc. 

The workbook is an important tool for group discussions or debriefing after presentations. 

Your workbook becomes part of our ID1 archive and documents there the progress of our scientific work as well as the teaching and research aspirations of our department. It serves as a source for possible publications such as our website or publications on a research topic.


The final grades

Your final grade results from a combination of subaspects and is calculated according to the following key:






Project documentation (photo, film, text): 20 %

(All materials must be handed in within 3 weeks after the finals. The evaluation is completed 4-5 weeks after the finals.)*Vico Magistretti, Italian Designer 

October 6, 1920 – September 19, 2006


*The "5 questions" by Vico Magistretti refer to a method developed by the Italian designer Vico Magistretti to conduct a comprehensive design analysis. This method consists of five questions that are intended to cover the most important aspects of a project:

Who: Who is the target audience for the design? Who will use it?

What: What is the design goal? What is to be achieved?

Where: Where will the design be used? In what environment?

When: When will the design be used? At what time?

Why: Why was the design created? What is its significance?

By answering these questions, a designer should gain a comprehensive understanding of the design project and ensure that all important aspects are considered. This method can also help identify and solve problems in the design process.**THE ROLE OF DESIGN IN THE CONTEXT OF ECONOMY


The apparently irresolvable contradictions between the ecological and economic needs of humanity are the challenging field in which Designers work. Industrial production holds opportunities and risks at the same time. On the one hand, industrial multiplication contributes to social equality by making innovative products affordable to a broader segment of the population and providing access to technological progress and prosperity. On the other hand, mass consumption of irresponsibly manufactured products leads to problems with which the younger generation in particular is confronted: waste of resources, global warming, species extinction, land consumption and environmental pollution. We understand design to be political because we want to describe realistic alternatives to the existing society and make them tangible.


Today’s production and consumption habits mostly follow a linear logic: extraction, production, consumption, and disposal. Goods thereby lose a large part of their raw material value after just one cycle of use. At least since the Club of Rome’s publication of The Limits of Growth in 1972, there has been a global debate on the extent to which a growing world population, increasing prosperity and associated consumption behaviour are compatible with the Earth’s limited resources. While efficiency approaches represent an important first step in reducing resource consumption and negative environmental impacts, their potential is mostly offset by increasing consumption and rebound effects. The concept of a Circular Economy (CE) goes beyond resource efficiency, minimising negative environmental impacts by closing and slowing down material cycles. CE thus decouples economic growth from the increase of environmental impacts: in the biosphere, consumer products made from renewable raw materials circulate and are ultimately composted. In the technosphere, consumer products of synthetic or mineral origin circulate in a closed cycle. Prominent international proponents of CE include the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and, at least since the Circular Economy Package, also the European Union.

Circular Economy approaches can be applied in the various stages of a product’s life cycle: material selection and design should allow for durability, reprocessing and reparability or biodegradability. The use phase should be intensified and extended. This could be done, for example, by using technical products more efficiently or replacing them completely with digital services. At the end of a product’s life cycle, the various recyclable materials should be separated as far as possible through sorting and dismantling and processed for reuse.

The Circular Economy is a wholly new economic system that will affect all those involved in economic activity, requiring fundamentally changed patterns of thinking and behaviour.

Designers are in contact with virtually everyone involved in product development, functioning as a kind of network node. Through dialogue with publishers, project managers, producers, retailers, and marketing managers, they influence all aspects of the manufacturing process: conception, choice of materials, place and manner of production. Beyond the control through certificates and standards, this first-hand knowledge makes them crucial actors in the advancement of the Circular Economy.


Link to the Circular Design Guidelines


Startschuss für das Semesterprojekt ist der 2. März 2023. Alle weiteren Termine werden im ID1-Kalender veröffentlicht.

Die Kommunikation während des Semesterprojekts findet über SLACK und WORKBOOK statt. Alle Details findest du in unserem STUDIO MANUAL.


02. März 2023, 14:00–17:30, „Kick-off“ (Vorbesprechung)
02. März 2023, 20:00–22:00, „Spaziergang mit Ewo & podpod design“
03. März 2023, 09:30–14:00, „Kick-off Workshop“
13. März 2023, 10:00–13:00, „Workshop“
13. März 2023, 13:00–15:00, „Bakterielles Leuchten - Mag. Dr. Judith Ascher-Jenull“ (Gastvortrag)
20. März 2023, 10:00–13:00, „Gruppenbesprechung (Stefan in Wien)“
27. März 2023, 09:00–16:00, „Konzeptpräsentation“
27. März 2023, 16:00–18:00, „Konzept Präsentation Nachbesprechung“
28. März 2023, 09:00–16:00, „Konzeptpräsentation“
25. April 2023, 10:00–13:00, „Gruppenbesprechung (Stefan in Wien)“
03. Mai 2023, 10:00–13:00, „Exkursion Ewo“
04. Mai 2023, 10:00–16:00, „Exkursion München“
08. Mai 2023, 10:00–13:00, „Gruppenbesprechung (Stefan in Wien)“
15. Mai 2023, 09:00–16:00, „Midterms“
16. Mai 2023, 09:00–16:00, „Midterms“
16. Mai 2023, 16:00–18:00, „Midterms Nachbesprechung“
22. Mai 2023, 10:00–13:00, „Gruppenbesprechung“
05. Juni 2023, 10:00–13:00, „Gruppenbesprechung (Stefan in Wien)“
12. Juni 2023, 10:00–13:00, „Gruppenbesprechung (zoom)“
20. Juni 2023, 09:00–16:00, „Finals“
21. Juni 2023, 09:00–16:00, „Finals“


Von 15. Februar 2023, 10:34 bis 01. Mai 2023, 10:00
Per Online Anmeldung

Industrial Design (2. Studienabschnitt): Design Entwurf: Design Entwurf 2.0 580/201.21

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