Design Entwurf 1.0

Anab Jain
Institut für Design, Design Investigations
2023S, Künstl. Einzelunterricht (KE), 12.0 ECTS, 4.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S20489


In the summer semester 2023 in Design Investigations, the topic is Energy Independence. 

Students will learn to create working, tangible, small scale prototypes that demonstrate alternate, enewable energy harvesting, storage and consumption. 

Having gained a technical and material understanding of energy (micro), as well as the wider infrastrutures within which energy currently operates (macro), we will zoom about to imagine and design speculative futures where energy independence has enabled social, economic, political equity and regeneration. 

Key Learnings: 

• Fundamentals of energy (its various forms and principles)

• Building small-scale, fully working energy prototypes

• Wider energy infrastructures 

• Introduction to Speculative Design approach and practices 

• Speculative futures that imagine equitable, regenerative and just energy transitions





The evaluation will take place over the course of the semester, and final exam will take place  in the form of final design presentations to the jury members. 


Von 23. Februar 2023, 10:58 bis 10. März 2023, 10:58
Per Online Anmeldung

Industrial Design (1. Studienabschnitt): Design Entwurf: Design Entwurf 1.0 580/101.21

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