Digital Making - Exploring

Daniela Kröhnert
Institut für Architektur, Digitale Produktion
2023S, wissenschaftliches Seminar (SEW), 3.0 ECTS, 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S03529


The knowledge and (digital making) skills acquired previously are combined and strengthened by applying them to a concrete (design) task — each year, scale models and prototypical parts, or occasionally a larger installation, are designed and fabricated, both digitally and physically.


In addition to the mandatory participation during the Kick-Off, the "Midterm Presentation" and submission of required materials, at least 3 indidivual meetings - in which possible design and fabrication techniques will be discussed - are required to pass (of course more are possible).
The Kick-off and submission of materials are fixed, the Midterm Presentation day might be adjusted, in case conflicts with the studio's midterms are arising.
The individual meetings will take place on Fridays and students can sign up for various time slots throughout the day.


 All participants should be able to work independently on a high level between the meetings.
Curiosity is mandatory.

max. 15 participants  (individual work is encouraged, priority is given to students of architecture, who did not yet participate in the course. )

Participants are kindly asked to use their own Laptops and Software.


17. März 2023, 10:45–11:30 Besprechungsraum 4 , „Kick-Off“
05. Mai 2023, 10:45–13:15 Seminarraum 6 , „"Midterm"“
12. Mai 2023, 10:45–13:15 Seminarraum 6 , „alternate "Midterm"“
26. Juni 2023, 10:00–18:00, „Submission of digital data and physical prototype“ (Prüfung)


Von 01. Februar 2023, 10:00 bis 28. Februar 2023, 18:00
Per Online Anmeldung

Lehramt: Unterrichtsfach kkp (Bachelor): Schwerpunkt Digitale Grundbildung (DGB): Praxis / digitale Produktion 067/020.10

Lehramt: Unterrichtsfach dex (Bachelor): Schwerpunkt Digitale Grundbildung (DGB): Praxis / digitale Produktion 074/020.10

Architektur (Master): Bereich Expertise: Architectural Science: Digitales Entwerfen und digitale Produktion 443/002.04

Mitbelegung: möglich

Besuch einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen: möglich