Theory of Architecture Integration

Mario Carpo
Institut für Architektur, Theorie der Architektur
2022W, wissenschaftliches Seminar (SEW), 3.0 ECTS, 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S03316


Theory of Architecture Integration (wissenschaftliches Seminar, 2021W and 2022S)

> Description English

 Rev MC 13 sept 2022 


DATES of sessions fall 2022-winter 2023

all sessions in my office, 1030 to 1300: beware, some sessions are on tuesdays, some on wednesdays  

tue oct 11 

wed oct 12 

tue nov 8

tue dec 13

tue jan 17

wed jan 18 


This seminar will mirror the contents of the courses Theory of Architecture 1 and 2; students will be encouraged to audit some of the lectures listed in the TH1 and TH2 syllabus, and they will refer to the same bibliography. After one plenary session, the module will be based on ad-hoc tutorials, ideally coordinated with studio schedules and deadlines; there will also be a final session of oral presentations at the end of term 1 and of term 2. Students will introduce themselves during the plenary session, then attend at least one tutorial to discuss the topic of their final presentations.



Examination Modalities


> Examination Modalities English


Topics for the final presentations will be freely chosen by the students and agreed by the instructor; they may be developments of theoretical arguments related to projects. The exam is an oral presentation of a duration of around 10-15' per student (individually or in small groups); students will also submit a brief synopsis in writing of their presentations (this will include sources, references, and bibliography).




> Comments English


As thesis preparation course, enrolment in this module is primarily meant for students in the pre-diploma semester of their studies, hence priority will be given to architecture students.









Topics for the final presentations will be freely chosen by the students and agreed by the instructor; they may be developments of theoretical arguments related to projects. The exam is an oral presentation of a duration of around 10-15' per student (individually or in small groups); students will also submit a brief synopsis in writing of their presentations (this will include sources, references, and bibliography).




As thesis preparation course, enrolment in this module is primarily meant for students in the pre-diploma semester of their studies, hence priority will be given to architecture students.



11. Oktober 2022, 10:30–13:00
12. Oktober 2022, 10:30–13:00
08. November 2022, 10:30–13:00
13. Dezember 2022, 10:30–13:00
17. Jänner 2023, 10:30–13:00
18. Jänner 2023, 10:30–13:00


Von 18. Jänner 2023, 10:30 bis 26. September 2022, 10:27
Per Online Anmeldung

Architektur (Master): Bereich Expertise: Integration: Integration: Theorie 443/005.02

Expanded Museum Studies (Master): Wahlfächer: Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur 537/080.22

Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften (Master): Wahlbereich 2: Architekturgeschichte und -theorie 568/006.13

Mitbelegung: nicht möglich

Besuch einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen: möglich