Digitaler Entwurf und Virtualität I

Martina Menegon
Institut für Bildende & Mediale Kunst, Transmediale Kunst
2022W, künstlerisches Seminar (SEK), 2.0 ECTS, 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S02791


“Virtual Reality projects frequently promise experiences so realistic you won’t believe that you are in VR. I’m interested in the opposite” […] these emerging technologies can be used to capture the abstract, the confusing, the hidden, the complicated (Claire Hentschker)

The lecture "Digital Design and Virtuality I" provides a theoretical and practical introduction to Virtual and Virtual Reality Art, exploring the notions of worldbuilding, embodiment and interaction to represent “other realities”.

After a brief historical overview of Immersive, Interactive, Virtual and Augmented Reality Art and of the contemporary art scene of CG experimentalism, the lecture explores the Virtual as an artistic medium through a series of tutorials and group discussions with the aim of developing an artistic project that introduces the concepts, tools and techniques explored in the semester.

While learning and using a free Game Engine as the primary tool (Unity3D), the lecture provides a practical introduction to experimental 3D and improvisation with a variety of media and apparatuses (i.e. 3D Scanning, Photogrammetry, Motion Capture) for the creation of immersive and interactive Virtual experiences.


- Final Presentation of the project developed during the lecture
- Attendence (min 75%)

Participation and engagement in the lecture as well as the presentation of the project developed during the lecture is essential and required to complete the semester.


- No previous knowledge or skills required as the lecture considers all skill levels and is suitable for beginners and advanced students;
- basic 3D Design and/or Coding skills are welcome;
- the lecture will be held in english;
- bring your own laptop;
- be on time;
- Limited seats (max 15 participants)


virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, unity3D, 3D scanning, game art, new media, VR, virtual, interactive art, photogrammetry, media installation, media art


18. Oktober 2022, 14:00–16:30 Studio 1, Transmediale Kunst
25. Oktober 2022, 14:00–16:30 Studio 1, Transmediale Kunst
08. November 2022, 14:00–16:30 Studio 1, Transmediale Kunst
15. November 2022, 14:00–16:30 Studio 1, Transmediale Kunst
22. November 2022, 14:00–16:30 Studio 1, Transmediale Kunst
29. November 2022, 14:00–16:30 Studio 1, Transmediale Kunst
20. Dezember 2022, 13:00–17:00 Studio 1, Transmediale Kunst
10. Jänner 2023, 14:00–16:30 Studio 1, Transmediale Kunst
17. Jänner 2023, 14:00–16:30 Studio 1, Transmediale Kunst
24. Jänner 2023, 14:00–16:30 Studio 1, Transmediale Kunst (Prüfung)


Von 28. Juni 2022, 00:00 bis 08. Oktober 2022, 00:00
Per Online Anmeldung

Transformation Studies. Art x Science (Bachelor): Focus! Transformation Areas: Digital Transformation 162/040.10

Transformation Studies. Art x Science (Bachelor): Focus! Transformation Areas: Media Transformation 162/040.50

TransArts - Transdisziplinäre Kunst (Bachelor): Künstlerische und kunsttechnologische Grundlagen: Künstlerische und kunsttechnologische Grundlagen 180/002.01

Medienkunst: Transmediale Kunst (2. Studienabschnitt): Materialität und Medien: Digitaler Entwurf und Virtualität I - II 566/204.03

Design: Design und narrative Medien (2. Studienabschnitt): Technische Grundlagen: Technologie, Coding und Programmierung 576/204.25

Design: Design und narrative Medien (2. Studienabschnitt): Technische Grundlagen: LVs aus Curriculumversion vor 10/2024 (manuelle Zuordnung ab 11/2024) 576/204.99

Mitbelegung: nicht möglich

Besuch einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen: nicht möglich