Medientechnologie: Hard- und Softskills

Johannes Breyer
Institut für Design, Grafik Design
2021S, Vorlesung und Übungen (VU), 2.0 ECTS, 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S03552


In a series of exercises – ranging from abstract and visual to concrete and conceptual – our workshop will investigate the potential of storytelling and context specific typo treatments in Variable Fonts. Lots of experimenting! Eventually, all participants will design their own Variable Fonts while keeping in mind how they can be implemented into larger design projects both for print and web. Doing so, students will get to know a handful of Dinamo’s public and in-house production tools.



12.5., 13.5., 14.5. 2021  10.00-16.30 Uhr 



Per Online Anmeldung

TransArts - Transdisziplinäre Kunst (Bachelor): Künstlerische und kunsttechnologische Grundlagen: Künstlerische und kunsttechnologische Grundlagen 180/002.01

Design: Grafik Design (2. Studienabschnitt): Technische Grundlagen: Hard und Soft Skills 576/204.20

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