Dissertant*innenseminar (Doktoratsstudium Künstlerische Forschung)

Margarete Jahrmann
Zentrum Fokus Forschung, Zentrum Fokus Forschung
2020W, künstlerisches Seminar (SEK), 2.0 ECTS, 1.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S02593


In the Dissertantinnen Seminar individual artistic research projects are reviewed — as exemplary exercice towards emerging chapters and artefacts of an artistic research Ph.D.

The aim is to recognize  the significance of the artistic research approach in the arts .  Individual specific questions and a review of the actual status quo of theories of artistic research will inform individual concepts of the participants in order to develop their own unique arts research and discoursive reflexion. 



Participation and seminar contribution.

Dates to be assigned with the sueprvisor via email.


21. Oktober 2020, 18:00–19:00 Zentrum Fokus Forschung Studio


Per Online Anmeldung

Doktoratsstudium Künstlerische Forschung (PhD in Art): Lehrveranstaltungen und Privatissima: Privatissima bzw. DoktorandInnenseminare 950/003.02

Mitbelegung: nicht möglich

Besuch einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen: nicht möglich