Nähtechnik- Advanced 1

Andrea Unfried
Institut für Design, Mode
2020W, Vorlesung und Übungen (VU), 2.0 ECTS, 3.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S01594



Due to the new professorship of Grace Wales Bonner I´m happy to announce, that there will be a special project wich partly will be part of Sewing techniques advanced.  Let me introduce this project : •By the fact that it is not economically viable, that the mountain farmers keep the  cultivated landscape open, the county Voralrberg in the very west of Austria reinhabited the „MontafonerSteinschaf“. •Associated with the settlement of the sheep is the processing of the wool. •The area of Montafon has a long tradition of wool processing and some of the old looms were still in the provincial state museums of Vorarlberg. •One of the curators of the Austrian provincial state museums of Vorarlberg submitted an application for an Eu Project,…. • she contacted the fashion department and asked for a collaboration to create two outfits or more for the museum with the aim to range from traditional use of the hand woven fabric to contemporary.  Alongside with the fabric come all the techniques  which were used to create the traditional clothes of                                         this area such as embroidery and making pillow lace.   The drafted concept for the colaboration:  

The kick off is in Schruns in Vorarlberg, where the curator and a craftswoman would

 - introduce you to the techniques of weaving, embroidering and making pillowlace

 - they would give you an overview of the history of the traditional clothes

 - you can do research in the museums

 - you can try the techniques and create your own  patterns and designs.

hard facts:

• students of the second year can take part in the project, Julia Huber and me come along  •The housing and the travel expenses will be paid •The fashion deparment will get some money for the outfits • At least two outfits have to be made for the museum •You can also use old existing embroideries •One craftswoman will come to Vienna (depending on the needs) to support the making and she will do the pillow lace. •The fabric will be woven by the museum and you are motivated to treat the fabric like felting, dying, printing... •The planed dates are:

   22nd to 26th of October for kick  of in Schruns (we chose the date to make it possible for you to attend your lectures at university) 

please keep the Monday afternoons free to work on the project. Due to CoVid we will most likely have to follow a schedule.

   End of project June 2021


the examination modalities will be discussed individually depending on your project after the week in Schruns.

You have to hand in the agreed output on the 25th of Jannuary 2021


Introduction lecture for this project will be on the 5th of October at 2:15 in the Atelier of Modeklasse.


05. Oktober 2020, 14:15–15:45
09. November 2020, 14:15–15:45
16. November 2020, 14:15–15:45
23. November 2020, 14:15–15:45
30. November 2020, 14:15–15:45
07. Dezember 2020, 14:15–15:45
14. Dezember 2020, 14:15–15:45
11. Jänner 2021, 14:15–15:45
18. Jänner 2021, 14:15–15:45
25. Jänner 2021, 14:15–15:45


Ab 01. September 2020, 10:00
Per Online Anmeldung

TransArts - Transdisziplinäre Kunst (Bachelor): Künstlerische und kunsttechnologische Grundlagen: Künstlerische und kunsttechnologische Grundlagen 180/002.01

Design: Mode (2. Studienabschnitt): Mode Atelier: Nähtechnik - Advanced 584/205.03

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