Theory of Architecture Integration

Mario Carpo
Institut für Architektur, Theorie der Architektur
2020S, wissenschaftliches Seminar (SEW), 3.0 ECTS, 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S03316


SECOND PUBLIC LECTURE UPDATE : the lecture will start at 18:30.   Content unchanged, as per syllabus ("Designers Redesign Robotics": see synopsis below).  zoom invite as follows:

Mario Carpo is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Mario Carpo's Zoom Meeting

Time: Apr 27, 2020 06:30 PM Vienna

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 708 069 6158

Designers Redesign Robotics.  While the history of CAD has been driven primarily by the technical logic of the computers we use to notate and calculate architectural forms, the machinery adopted over time for numerically controlled fabrication has often been as influential and even inspirational for designers as the software at the core of the computer systems themselves. For some time now the interest of experimental computational designers has shifted from subtractive and additive processes to the technical logic of automated assembly.  Starting with Gramazio and Kohler's ground-breaking experiments almost 15 years ago, the creative adaptation of industrial robots to the non-standard environment of architectural design and construction has already produced significant architectural and technical results.  




Theory of Architecture "Integration" is primarly meant to provide a framework for discussion and invidual support on topics related to architectural theory, history, and criticism to architecture students working on their pre-diploma project.    This seminar will mirror the contents of the course Theory of Architecture 2 (TH2); students will be encouraged to attend the public lectures listed in the TH2 syllabus, and they will refer to the same bibliography (see below).  After one plenary sessions, the module will be based on tutorials; there will also be a final session of oral presentations.

Students will introduce themselves during the plenary session, then attend at least one tutorial to discuss the topic of their final presentation.

General bibliography for TH2 and "Integration" seminar:

1 - Textbooks:

Mario Carpo, The Second Digital Turn. Design beyond intelligence (Cambridge : MIT Press, 2017)

---, The Alphabet and the Algorithm (Cambridge : MIT Press, 2011)

---, The Digital Turn in Architecture, 1992-2012. An AD Reader (Chicester : Wiley, 2012)


2 - Additional readings:

---, "Particlised. Computational Discretism, or the Rise of the Digital Discrete." AD 258, (2019): 86-93 [89,2, Discrete: Reappraising the Digital in Architecture, guest-edited by Gilles Retsin]

---, "Republics of Makers," in Imminent Commons: Urban Questions for the Near Future, Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017, edited by Alejandro Zaera-Polo and Hyungmin Pai, 302-09. Barcelona: Actar, 2017. Also on line at

---, "The Alternative Science of Computation," E-Flux, New York (electronic publication, June 2017:

---, "Breaking the Curve. Big Data and Digital Design." Artforum 52,6 (2014): 168-173.





Topics for the final presentation will be freely chosen by the students and agreed by the instructor; they may be developments of theoretical arguments related to projects. The exam is an oral presentation of a duration of around 10-15' per student (individually or in small groups); students will also submit a brief synopsis in writing of their presentations (this will include sources, references, and bibliography).


As thesis preparation course, enrolment in this module is primarily meant for students in the pre-diploma (5th) semester of their studies, hence priority will be given to architecture students. Plenary sessions and individual tutorials take place in the Theory of Architecture office (see paper announcement on the door). Studio sessions take place in the respective architectural design studios and will be coordinated and communicated in due time.


Tue 31 March 10:30-13:30: Plenary Session (introduction).  Venue : Office Theory of Architecture

Mon 27 April afternoon: Individual tutorials or studio sessions.  Venue : as above, or tba 

Tue 28 April, afternoon: Individual tutorials or studio sessions. Venue  : as above, or tba

Mon 18 May, 10:30-13:30: Plenary session, students presentation (exam). Venue : Office Theory of Architecture

Mon 18 May, afternoon: studio session (tbc)

Tue 19 May, afternoon: studio session (tbc)

A final wrap-up session on Fri 19 June will be confimed in due time

*** 03 APR., UPDATE DUE TO REMOTE TEACHING, as requested :  all classes, meetings, and tutorials, will be held on line at the times originally scheduled.  I do not anticipate any change to syllabi or content,  but minor adjustments in format may be necessary and these will be adressed and discussed in due time, if needed.   



computation, digital design theory


Von 04. März 2020, 18:23 bis 16. März 2020, 18:23
Per Online Anmeldung

Lehramt: Unterrichtsfach kkp (Bachelor): Wissenschaftliche Praxis: FOR: Lehrveranstaltungen nach Wahl aus Wissenschaftliche Praxis 067/003.80

Lehramt: Unterrichtsfach kkp (Erweiterungsstudium): Wissenschaftliche Praxis: FOR: Lehrveranstaltungen nach Wahl aus Wissenschaftliche Praxis 067/003.80

Lehramt: Unterrichtsfach dex (Bachelor): Wissenschaftliche Praxis: FOR: aus Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur bzw. des Design (wahlweise) 074/003.20

Lehramt: Unterrichtsfach dex (Bachelor): Wissenschaftliche Praxis: FOR: Lehrveranstaltungen nach Wahl aus Wissenschaftliche Praxis 074/003.80

Lehramt: Unterrichtsfach dex (Erweiterungsstudium): Wissenschaftliche Praxis: FOR: Lehrveranstaltungen nach Wahl aus Wissenschaftliche Praxis 074/003.80

TransArts - Transdisziplinäre Kunst (Bachelor): Theoretische Grundlagen: Theoretische Grundlagen 180/003.01

Architektur (Master): Bereich Expertise: Theorie: Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur 443/003.01

Architektur (Master): Bereich Expertise: Integration: Integration: Theorie 443/005.02

Expanded Museum Studies (Master): Wahlfächer: Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur 537/080.22

Medienkunst: Transmediale Kunst (2. Studienabschnitt): Wissenschaft, Theorie und Geschichte : Architekturtheorie, Architekturgeschichte 566/208.06

Medienkunst: Digitale Kunst (2. Studienabschnitt): Wissenschaft, Theorie, Geschichte: Architekturtheorie, Architekturgeschichte 567/208.06

Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften (Master): Wahlbereich 2: Architekturgeschichte und -theorie 568/006.13

Design: Grafik Design (2. Studienabschnitt): Theoretische Grundlagen: Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften 576/203.02

Industrial Design (2. Studienabschnitt): Design im Kontext: Theorie und Geschichte des Design 580/202.11

Design: Mode (1. Studienabschnitt): Methodische und theoretische Grundlagen: Wahlfachpool methodische und theoretische Grundlagen 584/103.80

Konservierung und Restaurierung (2. Studienabschnitt): Geisteswissenschaften: Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte 588/204.10

Bildende Kunst (2. Studienabschnitt): Wissenschaftliche und forschende Praxis: Med.theorie,Kunst- und Wiss.transfer,Arch.theorie,Theorie und Gesch. des Designs 605/202.02

Bildende Kunst (2. Studienabschnitt): Wissenschaftliche und forschende Praxis: frei wählbar aus wissenschaftliche und forschende Praxis 605/202.80

Mitbelegung: möglich

Besuch einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen: möglich