Jean Philipp Reinsberg
Institute of Studies in Art and Art Education, Design, Architecture and Environment for Art Education
2020S, Vorlesung und Übungen (VU), 1.0 ECTS, 1.0 semester hours, course number S02665
Development of a site-specific intervention in wood for the garden of Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz
In a cross-disciplinary process, we will work on a conceptual design and its implementation this summer semester. The aim is to use and activate the spatial potential of Angewandte courtyard. Together with you, we want to create new additional areas of communication that meet the requirements, wishes and desires for this place. The first basic configuration is to be realized by the participants until the Angewandte Festival in June.
Due to the new situation created through Covid, we will work remote on the project. There will be regular online meetings. Every Thursday - Angewandte Decks Session - 3 to 5pm . First meeting Thursday - 19.03.2020 - 3 to 5pm - Topic : Reference Project.
We want to immediately start with the Concept Phase (Praxen:Studio Holz_Gestaltung mit Haltung / 1 ECTS - 1.0 SemStd ) and end on 02.04.2020 . More infos below..
For better communication via email, please sent a message with your name to p.reinsberg@uni-ak.ac.at.
We invited so far all subscribed students to our BASE online folder - Please check your BASE . Here is the Download-LINK https://base.uni-ak.ac.at/cloud/index.php/s/MvCvTErdvPW428L
We are really looking forward to your ideas and participation for this collective design process.
If you a have any questions , please drop me an email.
This course will be taught together with my colleague Lukas Allner https://conceptual-joining.com
UPDATED 04/04/2020
This course is linked to other Studio Holz courses. They are building up on each other and you can´t attend them seperatly :
Praxen: Studio Holz_entwickeln&darstellen / 1.0 SemStd
Praxen: Studio Holz_digitale Produktion / 2.0 SemStd
Praxen: Studio Holz_veredeln&dokumentieren / 1.0 SemStd
Praxen: Studio Holz_analoge Produktion / 3.0 SemStd ---- Start SUMMER 2020
premeetings with Q&A : Wednesdays (15.1/22.1./29.01/04.03./11.03) from 15:00 till 17:00 Uhr, at Flux Cafe, 4. OG, VZA7
Build, WOOD, Holz, architecture, action, design
04 March 2020, 15:00–17:00 FLUX CAFE / VZA7 4.OG , "during ANGEWANDTE FESTIVAL meetings" (preliminary discussion)
11 March 2020, 15:00–17:00 FLUX CAFE / VZA7 4.OG , "during ANGEWANDTE FESTIVAL meetings" (preliminary discussion)
19 March 2020, 15:00–17:00 ONLINE_via Zoom , "lecture_Angewandte Decks & other decks"
26 March 2020, 15:00–17:00 ONLINE_via Zoom , "IDEA PRESENTATION"
02 April 2020, 15:00–17:00 ONLINE_via Zoom , "lecture_model building"
09 April 2020, 15:00–17:00 ONLINE_Zoom , "ZONING PRESENTATION"
16 April 2020, 15:00–17:00 ONLINE_via Zoom , "lecture_sketch to vector to shape "
23 April 2020, 15:00–17:00 ONLINE_Zoom , "CONCEPT PRESENTATION"
30 April 2020, 15:00–17:00 ONLINE_via Zoom , "lecture_timber format and scale"
07 May 2020, 15:00–17:00 ONLINE_via Zoom , "MATERIALITY PRESENTATION"
14 May 2020, 15:00–17:00 ONLINE_via Zoom , "lecture_virtual wood working"
28 May 2020, 15:00–17:00 ONLINE_via Zoom , "DESIGN PRESENTATION"
04 June 2020, 15:00–17:00 ONLINE_via Zoom , "lecture_augmentent representation"
18 June 2020, 15:00–17:00 ONLINE_via Zoom , "FESTIVAL PRESENTATION"
25 June 2020, 15:00–17:00 ONLINE_via Zoom , "Angewandte Festival Walk"
13 August 2020, 16:00–24 September 2020, 16:00 Studio Wood DAE , "fabrication"
From 03 April 2020, 15:30
Via online registration
Art Education: subject dex (Bachelor): Künstlerische Praxis (dex): FOR: Technologien / Praxen (dex) 074/001.21
Art Education: subject dex (additional subject): Künstlerische Praxis (dex): GO: Grundlegende Technologien / Praxen (dex) 074/001.11
Co-registration: not possible
Attending individual courses: not possible