Alison Jane Clarke
Design, Theory and History of Design
2019S, Seminar (SE), 2.0 semester hours, course number S20349
DESIGNING VALUE(S) 2, Dr. Martina Grünewald
Design: Art, craft, economic factor? Value discourses crucially underpin the normative construction of our social lives. This seminar specifically explores how values and value judgments manifest and change around and through the design of our material world. It offers room to review, deepen and extend themes from the first semester and to engage in the craft of scholarship through critical reading, written reflection and discussion of select texts from various literary genres (i.e. scholarly essay, social study, historical analysis, ethnography, expert interview, autobiographical novel, statistical survey). We chart important historical and contemporary understandings of the creation, organisation, localisation and renewal of social, cultural and economic values such as beauty, function, labour, gender, dignity and agency as they impact, and are impacted by, the designer’s professional profile and work.
Final paper submission until 21/06/2019, noon, as PDF to martina.gruenewald@uni-ak.ac.at, Re.: #DESIGNINGVALUES. Name, course of study, matriculation number and email address are to be listed on the title page. The PDF file is to be named: surname_firstname_matriculationnumber.pdf
The seminar is held in German and English.
Mandatory registration:
07 March 2019, 10:00–12:30 Seminar Room Postgasse
21 March 2019, 10:00–12:30 Seminar Room Postgasse
04 April 2019, 10:00–12:30 Seminar Room Postgasse
02 May 2019, 10:00–12:30 Seminar Room Postgasse
16 May 2019, 10:00–12:30 Seminar Room Postgasse
13 June 2019, 10:00–12:30 Seminar Room Postgasse
From 01 March 2019, 10:00 to 04 March 2019, 10:00
via email: martina.gruenewald@uni-ak.ac.at
Art Education: subject kkp (Bachelor): Wissenschaftliche Praxis: FOR: Lehrveranstaltungen nach Wahl aus Wissenschaftliche Praxis (2.0 ECTS) 067/003.80
Art Education: subject kkp (Bachelor): Wissenschaftliche Praxis: IT: Bachelorseminar Wissenschaftliche Praxis (2.0 ECTS) 067/003.85
Art Education: subject kkp (Master): Wissenschaftliche Praxis: Lehrveranstaltung nach Wahl aus wissenschaftlicher Praxis, SE (2.0 ECTS) 067/003.80
Art Education: subject tex (Master): Wissenschaftliche Praxis: Lehrveranstaltung nach Wahl aus wissenschaftlicher Praxis, SE (2.0 ECTS) 071/003.80
Art Education: subject dae (Master): Wissenschaftliche Praxis: Lehrveranstaltung nach Wahl aus wissenschaftlicher Praxis, SE (2.0 ECTS) 072/003.80
Art Education: subject dex (Bachelor): Wissenschaftliche Praxis: FOR: Lehrveranstaltungen nach Wahl aus Wissenschaftliche Praxis (2.0 ECTS) 074/003.80
Art Education: subject dex (Bachelor): Wissenschaftliche Praxis: IT: Bachelorseminar Wissenschaftliche Praxis (2.0 ECTS) 074/003.85
Art Education: subject dex (Master): Wissenschaftliche Praxis: Lehrveranstaltung nach Wahl aus wissenschaftlicher Praxis, SE (2.0 ECTS) 074/003.80
TransArts - Transdisciplinary Arts (Bachelor): Theoretical foundations: Theoretical foundations (2.0 ECTS) 180/003.01
Industrial Design (2. Section): Design in Context: Theory and Design History (2.0 ECTS) 580/202.11
Co-registration: possible
Attending individual courses: possible