Artscience practises

Valerie Deifel
Institut für Bildende & Mediale Kunst, Art & Science
2019S, Vorlesung und Übungen (VU), 1.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S01496


In the academic year 2018/19 we would like to explore questions related to the future of work and what ‘a good life’ could mean through our ‘Artscience practises’ seminar. Currently we experience the promise of jobs as a powerful actor (whether its through the threat of cuts due to automatisation, immigration, urbanisation etc or as justification to give tax-breaks). Through lectures, workshops and excursions we want to use the winter and summer semester to speculate on what work could be and how it could frame our sense of fulfilment if moral implications and definitions are changing.

This is a joint course with Artscience practises S01497 with Brishty Alam so in total it is 2SH and 4ECTs.


80% attendance and active participation.


Per Online Anmeldung
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Art & Science (Master): Methoden und Praktiken transdisziplinärer Forschung: Praxis und Theorie (2.0 ECTS) 776/002.16

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