Digitaler Entwurf und Materialität I

Martina Menegon
Institut für Bildende & Mediale Kunst, Transmediale Kunst
2017W, Seminar (SE), 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S01915


Digitaler Entwurf und Materialität / Digital Design and Materiality
or how to “mis-use” digital tools for artistic production 
exploring emerging, open source - or very low budget - technologies

Digitaler Entwurf und Materialität I - creating artistic digital content
Focused on the materiality of the digital, in its experimental and three-dimensional form, the course provides a practical insight on available open source and low-budget tools to create digital and 3D content for the arts, always accompanied by screening of existing artworks dealing with the specific topic. As theoretical support, the lecture provides an historical overview of relevant Interactive, Mixed and Virtual Reality Art as well as sessions to experience Virtual and Augmented Reality Artworks from some of the renowned young contemporary artists working on these fields (when available). Additionally, the course analyses in depth the relevant terminology, based on the “Mixed Reality Continuum” diagram, to correctly distinguish between Augmented, Virtual and 360-degree technology.

  • Learning the correct Terminology
  • Interactive, Mixed and Virtual Reality Art relevant history
  • 3D scanning with Kinect & Skanect
  • Photogrammetry with 3DRegard
  • Create Avatars with MakeHuman, DazStudio & Mixamo
  • UVmap Art
  • AR with Aurasma

Additionally, the lecture provides extra add-ons session that combine different arts together, in the spirit of the transmedial art practice.

  • Max/MSP crash course together with Alexander Martinz to learn the basic of the powerful object-based programming software for audio-visual and interactive arts. 
  • Second Life for the Arts, in which we create a Virtual performative Happening 


fullfilling tasks during the semester;
final presentation of the project realized during the semester;
presences and participation will be considered;


class will be in english;
bring your own laptop;
xbe on time;


virtual reality, augmented reality, virtual, art, augmented, computer, interactive, digital, new media, mixed media, Installation, Rauminstallation, Lichtinstallation, Visual, Videoinstallation, Medieninstallation, Kunst im Internet, Computeranimation, Computergrafik, Computerprogramm, digitale Bildbearbeitung, Interaktive Kunst, Mischtechnik, Medienkunst, Elekronische Medien


10. Oktober 2017, 12:00–14:00 Studio 2 Transmediale Kunst , „course enrolment and introduction“
17. Oktober 2017, 12:00–16:00 Studio 2 Transmediale Kunst , „MaxMSP/Jitter crash course“
24. Oktober 2017, 12:00–14:00 Studio 2 Transmediale Kunst
25. Oktober 2017, 16:00–18:00 Seminarraum 10 (VZA3) , „Claudia Hart - artist talk“ (Gastvortrag)
31. Oktober 2017, 11:00–15:00 Studio 2 Transmediale Kunst , „MaxMSP/Jitter crash course“
07. November 2017, 12:00–14:00 Studio 2 Transmediale Kunst , „tracking tools for MaxMSP/Jitter“
14. November 2017, 12:00–14:00 Studio 2 Transmediale Kunst
21. November 2017, 12:00–14:00 Studio 2 Transmediale Kunst
28. November 2017, 12:00–14:00 Studio 2 Transmediale Kunst
05. Dezember 2017, 12:00–14:00 Studio 2 Transmediale Kunst
12. Dezember 2017, 12:00–14:00 Studio 2 Transmediale Kunst
09. Jänner 2018, 12:00–14:00 Studio 2 Transmediale Kunst
16. Jänner 2018, 12:00–14:00 Studio 2 Transmediale Kunst (Prüfung)


Per E-Mail:

TransArts - Transdisziplinäre Kunst (Bachelor): Künstlerische und kunsttechnologische Grundlagen: Künstlerische und kunsttechnologische Grundlagen (4.0 ECTS) 180/002.01

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