Laufende Portfolioarbeit

Ruth Mateus-Berr
Institut für Kunstwissenschaften, Kunstpädagogik und Kunstvermittlung, Design, Architektur und Environment für Kunstpädagogik
2017W, Künstl. Einzelunterricht (KE), 1.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S00776


Ziel des Portfoliogespräches ist es, gemeinsam ein konstuktives Feedback zu erarbeiten.

Textempfehlungen bei Interesse zum Thema Feedback:

Mateus-Berr, Ruth (2017) Critique in Art & Design Education. In: Art School Critique 2.0. ‌Richard Jochum (ed.) Proceedings, New York.

Critique in Art & Design Education

Ruth Mateus-Berr


Ruth Mateus-Berr concentrates on some main items of critique in her seminars about Design Research, where she applies Applied Design Thinking. She engages with two feedback strategies: one, applied as “critique” phase within the design process, where all participants are just allowed to ask question to the presenter, the second on which she is conscious about the findings of John Hattie (1992; 2013, 206-236) who believes that feedback has the most influence on performance, and that it is set in social and behavioral context. Further she involves the findings of Fishbach & Finkelstein (2012) on positive and negative feedback. Hattie & Timperley (2007) distinguish four forms of critique (feedback), which have been discussed in the book art-lives by Ruth Mateus-Berr & Julia Poscharnig in 2014.

Weitere Literatur:

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19. Oktober 2017, 12:00–13:00, „Senatsbüro. Oskar Kokoschkaplatz, 1. Stock“
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