Mutationen zeitbasierter Systeme im Raum I

Marie-Claude Poulin
Institut für Bildende & Mediale Kunst, Digitale Kunst
2016W, Seminar (SE), 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S00815


"Embodied, networked performance – Lab

This seminar is open to all those interested in the combination of analog and digital performance, as a creator and/or as a performer, or as a collaborator/designer.

Embodied, networked performance – Labaims to act as a sensorial and reflective incubator, expanding and enriching the connection to performative, installative, and digital/interactive artistic creation today.

 Embracing practices and discourses related to the digital arts and performative somatic practices, the course is an “in-action” reflective laboratory on corporeal and perceptual relationships to space, objects, and the other. In this context, the diversity and complementarity of the skills, interests and points of views of each participant is expected to foster a transdisciplinary ground for the exploration and analysis of performance. The work is done mainly in the classroom-studio, where body awareness practices and voice work will be introduced. The participants will be led to experience performative situations and to reflect on and articulate their perceptions of them. At times alone and at other times in collaboration with others, they will be brought to progressively develop new performative sketches intertwining analog and digital concepts, or to work on their existing current performance projects in greater depth. For those more interested in the conception aspect, it will occasionally be possible to take the position of active observer; in this case, note-taking and the oral analysis of the action taking place are expected.


regelmäßige Anwesenheit und aktive Teilnahme

- Erstellung einer Projektarbeit im Rahmen der Veranstaltung

- Veranstaltung wird teilweise in englischer und deutscher Sprache abgehalten.



Die Lehrveranstaltung richtet sich an Studierende der Abteilung für Digitale Kunst.


Abteilung Digitale Kunst, Expositur Sterngasse 13, Vorlesungsraum


performance, analog and digital, artistic creation, sensorial, reflective incubator, body awareness, digital/interactive, laboratory, transdiciplinary, collaboration, installation


10. Oktober 2016, 13:00–14:30 (Vorbesprechung)
17. Oktober 2016, 13:00–17:30
07. November 2016, 13:00–17:30
21. November 2016, 13:00–17:30
03. Dezember 2016, 13:00–17:30, „Weitere Termine nach persönlicher Übereinkunft“


Bis 05. Oktober 2016, 00:00
Per E-Mail:

TransArts - Transdisziplinäre Kunst (Bachelor): Künstlerische und kunsttechnologische Grundlagen: Künstlerische und kunsttechnologische Grundlagen (4.0 ECTS) 180/002.01

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