Kunst- und Wissenschaftstheorie

Brigitte Felderer
Institut für Kunst und Gesellschaft, Social Design
2016W, Seminar (SE), 1.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S00778


SPONTANEOUScITY – informal practices in the city or: the utopia/dystopia of the regulated/ordered city, GREY AREAS IN THE CITY

with Christina SCHRAML

 We will reflect on various practices of informal urbanism in Vienna - ranging from the early 1900, touching upon the role of informal economies in the city, to the Viennese social movements in the late 60s, and the role of open space (Freiräume) in contemporary Vienna. Key figures and positions in the informal urbanism debate will be introduced. The input will be complemented by movies and various on-site visits.


 I. Wednesday 05.10.2016, 14.00-18.00 // THE INFORMAL

 II. Wednesday 19.10.2016, 14.00-18.00 // DAS ELEND – THE MISERY

 III. Wednesday 25.10.2016, 14.00-open end // DAS VERBRECHEN – THE CRIME

IV. Wednesday 16.11.2016, 14.00-18.00 // DAS VERGNÜGEN – THE PLEASURE

V. Wednesday 07.12.2016, 14.00-18.00 // DIE SUBKULTUR IM WANDEL // COUNTER CULTURAL MOVEMENTS

 VI. Wednesday 11.01.2017, 14.00-18.00 // OPEN SPACE AND THE FUTURE OF INFORMALITY // FREIRÄUME




- Regular attendance, active participation, preparation of texts

- Social Design Fanzine #4 - Tales from the Beyond




see the schedule in the description


Per E-Mail: brigitte.felderer@uni-ak.ac.at

Mitbelegung: möglich

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